[mpich-discuss] Hydra issues

Scott Atchley atchley at myri.com
Wed Aug 26 10:45:29 CDT 2009

On Aug 26, 2009, at 10:56 AM, Pavan Balaji wrote:

>> Is there a downside to using:
>> setbuf (stdout, NULL);
>> setbuf (stderr, NULL);
> This needs to be set in the application -- Hydra is not getting the  
> output, so it's not a buffering problem in Hydra.

I added setbuf() to MPID_Init() and it did not change the behavior (no  
output until completion).

I also tried reducing the size of HYD_TMPBUF_SIZE from 64 KB to 1 KB.  
Since the total output is ~30 KB, I wondered if it waited until it was  
full (or EOF). The smaller buffer did not change anything either.


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