[mpich-discuss] mpif.h in mpich2
Ahmad Ali
ahmad.ali at utmail.net
Sat Aug 1 02:22:12 CDT 2009
Thankyou Anthony , Rajeev ..
i tried again and it has generated the mpif.h in mpich2-install/include/
however, my command testing comes out as follows:
ahmad at barq:~> mpd &
[1] 879
ahmad at barq:~> /export/home/ahmad/mpich2-install/bin/mpdlib.py:8:
DeprecationWarning: The popen2 module is deprecated. Use the subprocess
import sys, os, signal, popen2, socket, select, inspect
/export/home/ahmad/mpich2-install/bin/mpdlib.py:15: DeprecationWarning: the
md5 module is deprecated; use hashlib instead
from md5 import new as md5new
okay so i know the warnings can be suppressed, so from now on im going to
replace that output with *DeprecationWarning* instead
ahmad at barq:~> mpdtrace
then i run
now i know the warnings are fine, and can be suppressed. but my mpdboot does
not seem to be running
i have 5 nodes specified in the machines file, it gives a warning when i go
over it ( -n 8 ).. but does not start deamons even when im
within limits ( -n 4 )
ahmad at barq:~> mpdboot -n 8 -f ./mpd.hosts
totalnum=8 numhosts=5
there are not enough hosts on which to start all processes
I do not understand this error, and the number at the end of the output
keeps changing every time i try this.
ahmad at barq:~> mpdboot -n 4 -f ./mpd.hosts
/export/home/ahmad/mpich2-install/bin/mpdboot:56: DeprecationWarning: The
popen2 module is deprecated. Use the subprocess module.
from popen2 import Popen4, Popen3, popen2
/export/home/ahmad/mpich2-install/bin/mpdlib.py:15: DeprecationWarning: the
md5 module is deprecated; use hashlib instead
from md5 import new as md5new
*mpdboot_barq (handle_mpd_output 399): from mpd on barq, invalid port info:*
/export/home/ahmad/mpich2-install/bin/mpdlib.py:8: DeprecationWarning: The
popen2 module is deprecated. Use the subprocess module.
import sys, os, signal, popen2, socket, select, inspect
/export/home/ahmad/mpich2-install/bin/mpdlib.py:15: DeprecationWarning: the
md5 module is deprecated; use hashlib instead
from md5 import new as md5new
I then decided to buckle up and manually start mpd on some of my nodes by
ahmad at barq:~>mpd &
(output not shown)
and then individually starting mpd on other nodes with > mpd -h barq -p
<port_nu> &
finally ..my mpdtrace shows:
ahmad at barq:~> mpdtrace
which should mean that mpd is successfully running on 5 of my nodes
just to check:
ahmad at chenab2:~/tau-2.18.2p4/examples/NPB3.2-MPI/bin> mpdringtest 10000
time for 10000 loops = 7.09382605553 seconds
however rank check returns:
ahmad at chenab2:~/tau-2.18.2p4/examples/NPB3.2-MPI/bin> mpiexec -l -n 8 barq
problem with execution of barq on chenab7: [Errno 13] Permission denied
problem with execution of barq on barq: [Errno 13] Permission denied
problem with execution of barq on chenab2: [Errno 13] Permission denied
problem with execution of barq on chenab4: [Errno 13] Permission denied
problem with execution of barq on chenab6: [Errno 13] Permission denied
problem with execution of barq on barq: [Errno 13] Permission denied
problem with execution of barq on chenab7: [Errno 13] Permission denied
problem with execution of barq on chenab2: [Errno 13] Permission denied
im really confused with this output really ..
why doesnt mpdboot run in the first place (my .mpd.conf file is okay)
and why do i have the permission denied error ?
im attatching the ./configure and make output that you guys asked for
thanks for bearing with me .. any help would be greatly appreciated.
On Sat, Aug 1, 2009 at 12:00 AM, Anthony Chan <chan at mcs.anl.gov> wrote:
> It sounds like your the fortran binding wasn't built in your mpich2
> installation. Send us your configure and make outputs as seen
> on your screen( the steps are stated in the README file).
> A.Chan
> ----- "Ahmad Ali" <ahmad.ali at utmail.net> wrote:
> > I have installed mpich2 by following the steps mentioned in the user
> > guide document. I can run example programs as well. However, i am
> > trying to run NPB benchmarks and when i try to compile them, i get
> > an error that
> >
> > "Cannot find mpif.h"
> >
> > I have seen the include folder of mpich2 installation directory and
> > there is
> > no such file.... So where is this file located? Shouldnt this file
> > get
> > installed after mpich2 installation
> >
> > I have also seen /usr/include but couldnt find mpif.h
> >
> > *More Information:
> > *
> > My fortran compiler is gfortran. I have set all the environment
> > variables
> > for F77 and F90.
> > I have installed mpich2 with different options such as
> >
> > ./configure --enable-f90 --enable-f77 --enable-mpe
> > -prefix=/export/home/ahmad/mpich2-install/
> >
> > But its not working [there is no mpif.h file genereted in the include
> > folder]
> >
> >
> > Any help on this issue is appreciated
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