[mpich-discuss] error while loading shared libraries: libsvml.so

Angel Arancibia angel.arancibia at gmail.com
Tue Jun 24 09:54:51 CDT 2008

Hi Gus

2008/6/23 Gus Correa <gus at ldeo.columbia.edu>:
> Hello Angel and list
> Angel: This is just a guess, in case you are running your program on a
> cluster,
> based on a similar problem I had.
> libsvml.so is an Intel compiler library.
> Your Intel compiler is installed in /opt.

Yes, that is correct.

> If you are running the code on a cluster, /opt of your frontend machine,
> where you compile programs, may not be automatically mounted on your
> computing nodes.
> These nodes may have their own /opt directories, but the Intel compiler and
> libraries are not necessarily there.
> Unless you explicitly export /opt to the computing nodes,
> you will have trouble with shared libraries installed in /opt.
> If this is really your problem, here are some alternative ways to get around
> it.

Nop, the /opt is a NFS partition, and it is exported to all the nodes.

> 1) Statically link the Intel libraries (compile with -static-intel).
> This requires recompilation of your code and of your MPICH2 libraries
> (include -static-intel in your FFLAGS when you configure MPICH2).
> This is relatively easy to do, the executable becomes bigger, but doesn't
> require the Intel shared libraries.
> Also, you can do this independently of your system administrator,
> which may be an advantage, in case you are not the system administrator
> yourself.

That seems a good solution, although not the best. But if the problem
persist I'm going to try it.

> 2) Reinstall your Intel compiler in a directory that is exported to the
> computing nodes.
> Then recompile the code.
> This may require the help of your system administrator.
> 3) Export /opt to the computing nodes, and mount it there.
> This may be tricky if the nodes already have their own /opt.
> Again, this solution may depend on your system administrator help.

2 and 3 is currently done.

> I hope this helps.
> Gus Correa

Thanks Gus.

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