[mpich-discuss] MPI_Abort and MPI_REDUCE error

Ben Tay zonexo at gmail.com
Thu Jun 12 20:27:48 CDT 2008


I have MPICH and MPICH2 installed on my windows xp. When compiling using 
either libraries, I get the error:

s2d_c.obj : error LNK2001: unresolved external symbol _MPI_ABORT at 8
Debug/ns2d_c.exe : fatal error LNK1120: 1 unresolved externals
Error executing link.exe.

After I remove MPI_ABORT, compiling 's ok. However if I execute using 
MPIEXEC, I get the error:

Fatal error in MPI_Reduce: Invalid MPI_Op, error stack:
MPI_Reduce(850)...........: MPI_Reduce(sbuf=00FD69C8, rbuf=00FD6348, 
count=1, dtype=0x4c000829, MPI_MIN, root=0, MPI_COMM_WORLD) failed
MPIR_MINF_check_dtype(281): MPI_Op MPI_MIN operation not defined for 
this datatype
job aborted:
rank: node: exit code[: error message]
0: gotchama-16e5ed: 1: Fatal error in MPI_Reduce: Invalid MPI_Op, error 
MPI_Reduce(850)...........: MPI_Reduce(sbuf=00FD69C8, rbuf=00FD6348, 
count=1, dtype=0x4c000829, MPI_MIN, root=0, MPI_COMM_WORLD) failed
MPIR_MINF_check_dtype(281): MPI_Op MPI_MIN operation not defined for 
this datatype

While I compile in linux, there's no problem at all. May I know why this 
is so?

Thank you very much


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