[mpich-discuss] Issue running mpirun on my quad core with ubuntu

Gus Correa gus at ldeo.columbia.edu
Wed Jun 11 09:37:51 CDT 2008


Make sure the mpirun you used (also on your path) is the one you really 
want to use,
i.e., the one associated to the MPICH library you used to compile and 
link the executable.
The command "which mpirun" will tell.

If it is not, add the correct directory to your path, or (easier) use a 
full path name to mpirun.

Some Linux distributions come with a flavor of mpich, some Fortran 
compilers with another,
and you may have installed yet another.

Gus Correa

Zachary Lubin wrote:

>I am using Ubuntu 64-bit with a quad core intel chip.
>I am trying to use mpich on the four cores to run a program.
>I am getting errors, something about refused connections and i don't
>understand what to do.
>I am a beginner with linux.
>$ mpirun -np 4 my_exe
>localhost: Connection refused
>p0_9833:  p4_error: Child process exited while making connection to
>remote process on localhost: 0
>p0_9833: (37.003906) net_send: could not write to fd=4, errno = 32

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