[mpich-discuss] mpich2 & ROCKS

Madhurjya P Bora madhurjyap.bora at gmail.com
Tue Jun 3 07:20:06 CDT 2008

Hi All!

Lately I am facing a problem with my ROCKS installtion with mpich2.
With just two nodes say n1 & n2, when I do a mpdboot I get the
following with

$mpdtrace -l
n1_33671 (
n2_32919 (

My mpd.hosts contain just one line i.e. n2. My network config are :

eth0 (private) : 10.1.1.*/         with n1 :
eth1 (public)  :  with n2 :

So, should the mpdtrace command have given the output with n1_33671
( because it is supposed run in the private network. Why is
it connecting to the public part of the network? What's wrong with my
network config? Any help is appreciated.

--- Madhurjya
Dr Madhurjya P Bora
Physics Department, Gauhati University
Guwahati 781 014, India.

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