[mpich-discuss] How does the fortran binding work?

Ruini Xue xueruini at gmail.com
Wed Jul 30 06:11:30 CDT 2008

Hello, everyone,

I am working with MPICH2 on Windows platfrom. The fortran MIP application is
linked to fmpich.lib, and fmpich2.dll is loaded in runtime, which in turn
loads mipch2mpi.dll.
mpich2mpi.dll contains all MPI APIs which exported C interface. What I want
to know is: what is the 'underlying' relation between fmpich2.dll and
mpich2mip.dll? Do all
Fortran MPI calls are converted to c bindings in mpich2mpi.dll? For example,
does MPI_BCAST() in fmich2.dll directly calls MPI_Bcast() in mpich2mpi.dll?
Is MPI_BCAST()  just a stub while MPI_Bcast() do the real job?


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