[mpich-discuss] processor/memory affinity on quad core systems

Franco Catalano franco.catalano at uniroma1.it
Tue Jul 22 04:28:21 CDT 2008

Is it possible to ensure processor/memory affinity on mpi jobs launched
with mpiexec (or mpirun)?
I am using mpich2 1.0.7 with WRF on a 4 processor Opteron quad core (16
cores total) machine and I have observed a sensible (more than 20%)
variability of the time needed to compute a single time step. Taking a
look to the output of top, I have noticed that the system moves
processes over the 16 cores regardless of processor/memory affinity. So,
when processes are running on cores away from their memory, the time
needed for the time advancement is longer.
I know that, for example, OpenMPI provides a command line option for
mpiexec (or mpirun) to ensure the affinity binding:
--mca param mpi_paffinity_alone = 1
I have tried this with WRF and it works.
Is there a way to do this with mpich2?
Otherwise, I think that it would be very useful to include such
cabability into the next release.
Thank you for any suggestion.


Eng. Franco Catalano
Ph.D. Student

Department of Hydraulics, Transportation and Roads.
Via Eudossiana 18, 00184 Rome 
University of Rome "La Sapienza".
tel: +390644585218

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