[mpich-discuss] Why is my quad core slower than cluster

Matthew Bettencourt matt at mail.bettencourt.info
Fri Jul 11 07:20:36 CDT 2008

We have the same issue, the issue is memory bandwidth for us.  We can't 
utilize the extra processing power that tht multicore provides because 
we can't keep those cores fed.

zach wrote:
> Following up on these suggestions and info queries...
> (Thanks for the help!)
> I noticed my home pc processor is a
> Core2 Quad CPU Q6600  @ 2.40GHz (Kentsfield)
> whereas the cluster Xeon is 3.20GHz.
> I don't think this is causing the degree of 3 in speed.
> compiler is gcc on home pc and cluster.
> same optimization option for both systems
> yes cpuinfo and meminfo show the right #cpus and mem
> mpich is different versions i have discovered.
> on cluster (faster one),
> MPICH Version:    	1.2.7p1
> MPICH Release date:	$Date: 2005/11/04 11:54:51$
> MPICH Patches applied:	none
> MPICH configure: 	--prefix=/opt/mpich/intel --enable-sharedlib
> --with-romio --enable-f90modules -c++=icpc -cc=icc -fc=ifort
> -f90=ifort
> MPICH Device:    	ch_p4
> on home pc (the slug),
> MPICH2 Version:    	1.0.7
> MPICH2 Release date:	Unknown, built on Tue Jul  8 19:28:07 CDT 2008
> MPICH2 Device:    	ch3:nemesis
> MPICH2 configure: 	--prefix=/home/code/mpich --with-device=ch3:nemesis
> MPICH2 CC: 	gcc  -O2
> MPICH2 CXX: 	c++  -O2
> MPICH2 F77: 	
> MPICH2 F90: 	
> on the cluster I have been compiling with mpiCC and on the home pc with mpicxx.
> kernel on home pc:
> Linux myPC 2.6.24-18-generic #1 SMP Wed May 28 19:28:38 UTC 2008
> x86_64 GNU/Linux
> I am using ubuntu hardy and did not use 'sudo' during installation of
> mpich2 (not logged in as superuser) -don't know if this matters.
> zach

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