[MPICH] Confused about compiling/using mpich2

Gaetano Bellanca gaetano.bellanca at unife.it
Wed Jan 16 01:44:24 CST 2008

Dear Rajeev,

thanks for the advice; ch3:nemesis is what I'm using, as I read about 
it in a previous message on the forum.

I'll keep you informed about my tests.



At 03.07 16/01/2008, you wrote:
>                  I would recommend using the ch3:nemesis device. 
> Configure with --with-device=ch3:nemesis. It will use shared memory 
> within a node and TCP (or other network) between nodes. You can 
> probably ignore those timeout errors for now.
>From: Gaetano Bellanca [mailto:gaetano.bellanca at unife.it]
>Sent: Tuesday, January 15, 2008 5:55 PM
>To: Rajeev Thakur
>Subject: RE: [MPICH] Confused about compiling/using mpich2
>Dear Rajeev,
>finally I was able to reach some good results in compiling/using mpich2.
>The focused that the problem was the use of mpd. I was using and mpd 
>started by root, and this was not consistent with the correspondent 
>mpich2 compilation. I was using the one started at boot time, which 
>was an mpd coming from a previous version of mpich2 (and compiled 
>with probably also a different communication device).
>Now, I'm running successfully all the tests making make testing on 
>my home desktop (amd 5600+, single processor,  dual core). My code 
>run using mpiexec -n 2 regularly.
>I test mpich2 in a different configuration,  with a dual processor / 
>quad core linux box (Intel Xeon).  In this case, running make 
>testing, I had some errors of this kind . All the other tests run 
>successfully (I can send you configure.log if you think it could be useful)
>Unexpected output in bcast3: mpiexec_campi17 (handle_sig_occurred 
>1123): job ending due to env var MPIEXEC_TIMEOUT=180
>My code run successfully also on this machine, but I still have to 
>check the performances in terms of scalability.
>As in this case the computer has two network cards (but only one is 
>active in the moment), do you have any idea/suggestion in how to 
>configure/use mpich2 to have the best use of the 8 different cores?
>Thanks very much for your help and assistance.
>Gaetano Bellanca - Department of Engineering - University of Ferrara
>Via Saragat, 1 - 44100 - Ferrara - ITALY
>Voice (VoIP):  +39 0532 974809     Fax:  +39 0532 974870
>mailto:gaetano.bellanca at unife.it

Gaetano Bellanca - Department of Engineering - University of Ferrara
Via Saragat, 1 - 44100 - Ferrara - ITALY
Voice (VoIP):  +39 0532 974809     Fax:  +39 0532 974870
mailto:gaetano.bellanca at unife.it

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