[MPICH] Faster version of make and make install

William Gropp gropp at mcs.anl.gov
Tue Jan 15 10:13:31 CST 2008

It doesn't support a multithreaded make because of problems with ar  
(the library archiver doesn't ensure that concurrent updates do not  
corrupt the archive).  It can support building only the files that  
are required; there is an option for that in configure (--enable- 
dependencies); you also need to create the Makefile.in files to  
support this (the reason is that not all environments support the  
needed features; if you are in a GNU environment, all of this should  


On Jan 15, 2008, at 7:23 AM, Krishna Chaitanya wrote:

> Hi,
>       Does MPICH support a multi-threaded version of make or a  
> version that compiles only those files and its dependents instead  
> of compiling the entire source tree?
> Thanks,
> Krishna Chaitnaya K
> -- 
> In the middle of difficulty, lies opportunity

William Gropp
Paul and Cynthia Saylor Professor of Computer Science
University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign

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