[MPICH] python2.4 Error

David Gunter dog at lanl.gov
Thu Feb 21 10:09:10 CST 2008

I ran into this same problem on a cluster we have in which /usr/bin/ 
python was not available on the compute nodes.  MPICH2, having been  
compiled on one of the compile nodes, then had a hardcoded dependency  
built into it of course.

If this is what is happening to you there are two ways to fix it.   
One, have the sysadmins put python in the proper place on the compute  
nodes.  Secondly, you can build your own python on the compile and  
compute nodes and ensure that it is in the same location for both  
places.  Then recompile MPICH using the --with-python=<path to python>  

Hope this helps.

David Gunter
HPC-3: Parallel Tools Team
Los Alamos National Laboratory

On Feb 21, 2008, at 6:46 AM, Sangamesh B wrote:

> Hi All
> When a parallel job is submitted thru gridengine, its giving "/usr/ 
> bin/env: python2.4: No such file or directory" error.
> The sge job submit script is as follows:
> #!/bin/bash
> #$ -S /bin/bash
> #$ -q infinibandq
> #$ -m bae
> #$ -pe mpich 16
> #$ -cwd
> date
> hostname
> /opt/mvapich2_pathcc/bin/mpirun -np $NSLOTS -machinefile $TMPDIR/ 
> machines /IT/vivek/meme.3.0.3/bin/Linuxx86_64_p/meme
> /IT/vivek/Databases/ara_816_100-0 -dna -maxsize 120973 -nmotifs 3 - 
> minw 6 -maxw 9 -mod tcm -maxsites 500
> exit 0
> ---------------------------------------------------------
>  Afetr execution the output file contains following:
> ---------------------------------------------------------
> -catch_rsh
> /opt/gridengine/default/compute-0-26/active_jobs/154.1/pe_hostfile
> compute-0-26
> compute-0-13
> compute-0-15
> compute-0-28
> compute-0-19
> compute-0-20
> compute-0-16
> compute-0-23
> compute-0-4
> compute-0-22
> compute-0-25
> compute-0-9
> compute-0-5
> compute-0-7
> compute-0-8
> compute-0-10
>  --------------------------------------------------------
> The error file contains following:
> ---------------------------------------------------------
> /usr/bin/env: python2.4: No such file or directory
> ---------------------------------------------------------
> Can any one tell me how to resolve this issue?
> Thanks,
> Sangamesh

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