[MPICH] fortran: CALL MPI_FILE_OPEN specifying file format

Stephen Wornom stephen.wornom at sophia.inria.fr
Sat Feb 9 10:40:11 CST 2008

I use fortarn. How does one specify that the file be written 
"formatted"? Is "unformatted" the default?

      CALL MPI_FILE_OPEN( MPI_COMM_WORLD, filnam(1:ilength),
     1                    MPI_MODE_WRONLY + MPI_MODE_CREATE,
     2                    MPI_INFO_NULL, fh ,ierr)

The above writes the file solf.000000.data
the command
 file solf.000000.data
solf.000000.data: data

What is the relation between the "data" and say "unformatted?"

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