[mpich-discuss] Re: MPI_Brecv vs multiple MPI_Irecv

Jeff Squyres jsquyres at cisco.com
Wed Aug 27 17:20:13 CDT 2008

(Note: this thread is separately spanning the two different MPI  
implementation mailing lists...)

On Aug 27, 2008, at 1:51 PM, Robert Kubrick wrote:

>> For mpich2, the internal buffer space is limited by available  
>> memory. For each unexpected small message (<=128K for ch3:sock)  
>> mpich2 does a malloc and receives the message into that buffer.  So  
>> even unexpected small messages shouldn't block program flow...but  
>> you'll eventually crash if you run out of memory.
> Good to know.

Most MPI implementations use a similar strategy.

> Yes. If you have a process that sends many small messages, such a  
> logging strings to a spooler process, by reading the MPI standard  
> you're left with the impression that MPI_Send might block until a  
> matching receiving has been posted on the other side.

You should always write your code to assume that MPI_SEND *will*  
block.  Failure to do so will almost certainly result in "my code runs  
properly in MPI implementation X, but hangs in MPI implementation  
Y" (because X and Y provide differing amounts of internal buffer  
space).  This is a common complaint among newbie MPI programmers, but  
the standard is fairly clear on this point.

> If sender performance is a priority, the solution is to queue those  
> log messages somewhere (either on the sending side or better off on  
> the receiving side) to let the process continue execution. MPI_Isend  
> won't make it because the overhead to manage hundreds of request  
> would probably slow down execution more.

Maybe, maybe not (I assume you mean Irecv?).  With MPI_Irecv, the  
implementation may receive the message directly into your buffer (vs.  
an intermediate and then later memcpy).  Meaning: assuming that the  
performance is offset is not necessarily true.

> If process priority is reversed (sending process has low priority,  
> receiving process high), it's probably better to use MPI_Battach/ 
> MPI_Bsend to move the buffering copy overhead to the sender?

If you have a slow sender and a fast receiver, why not send  
immediately?  (vs. forcing a buffered send, which will almost  
certainly slow down your overall performance)

Jeff Squyres
Cisco Systems

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