[mpich-discuss] RE: Questions about MPI application

Jayesh Krishna jayesh at mcs.anl.gov
Thu Aug 14 11:36:53 CDT 2008

 The error "Error creating mpiexec process" indicates that you have tried
to run a singleton MPI process without mpiexec in the PATH. Make sure that
you have mpiexec in your PATH (more precisely the path to mpiexec in your
PATH env variable) when running an MPI process as a singleton process
(singleton process - process launched without mpiexec - when you run your
MPI process in the VS command window). To get rid of the error I would
recommend that you run your MPI application from a command window using
mpiexec OR run your MPI application from a command window without mpiexec
but making sure that path to mpiexec (typically c:\program
files\mpich2\bin) is in the PATH.
 The error "process 0 exited without calling finalize" can happen due to
many reasons (Basically the error just says that the MPI process exited
before calling MPI_Finalize()). Most likely it is due to an error in the
application resulting in a segfault, aborting the job. I would recommend
that, to start with your debugging, you run your application using mpiexec
from a command prompt and try debugging the application with some debug
 Let us know if you need further assistance


From: Hyoun-Tae [mailto:hthwang at uwaterloo.ca] 
Sent: Thursday, August 14, 2008 10:47 AM
To: jayesh at mcs.anl.gov
Subject: Questions about MPI application

Hello Jayesh, 


I just make an MPI application code, which solves non-linear PDEs. 

Of the code, I applied parallel computing method only on a matrix solver,
Thomas algorithm. 

The scheme of my program follows as:


1.	read input data 

2.	make a matrix 

3.	solve the matrix by using parallel method   

4.	print output 


As mentioned before, I just parallelized only the matrix solver. 

I compiled the application code by using MS visual studio 2005 

and executed the application code with using MPIEXEC wrapper.  


However, I always got an error massage like (I'm using 2 CPUs)


job aborted:

rank: node: exit code[: error message]

0: hthwang: -1073741819: process 0 exited without calling finalize

1: hthwang: -1073741819: process 1 exited without calling finalize


Could you tell me why I always get the error message and how I can solve
this problem?


When I compile the code by using MS visual studio 2005, 

I also get a message on a command window such as:


[0] Error creating mpiexec process .2

[0] launchMpiexecProcess failed

Fatal error in MPI_Init: Other MPI error, error stack:

MPIR_Init_thread(294): Initialization failed

MPID_Init(82)....: channel initialization failed

MPID_Init(383).....: PMI_Get_id returned 1



Is this error after compilation related to MPI application error?

Could you tell me how I can solve these problems?


I can send the MPI application code if you need.

Thank you, 




Hyoun-Tae Hwang 


#2051 EIT, Department of Earth and Environmental Sci

University of Waterloo

office : (+1) 519-888-4567 (EXT. 37343)              

home : (+1) 519-880-9794 



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