[mpich-discuss] MPI_allgather
koppole at aim.com
koppole at aim.com
Mon Apr 14 09:03:07 CDT 2008
Hello there,
I have a question/problem regarding mpi_allgather.
When I try to call mpi_allgather, the computations from the 0 (rank =0)
are filled properly while from all other process, I just get something
but the numbers are not correct.
Could any one help me ?
For your information, here is part of my FORTRAN CODE. I try to compute
the dihedral angle on all my nodes in the commreplica communicator.
Please follow my FORTRAN code below:
FYI: I have numtasks = 3 with mytaskid going from 0,1,2
!! I allocate the required memory for the dihedral arrays phi_arr and
phi_prt, which is a 2-D array of length dihe_num
allocate(phi_arr(3,dihe_num), stat = alloc_failed)
if (alloc_failed .ne. 0) call setup_alloc_error
allocate(phi_prt(3,dihe_num), stat = alloc_failed)
if (alloc_failed .ne. 0) call setup_alloc_error
!! Here I compute the dihedral on all my nodes ; mytaskid = rank of my
process and numtasks = no. of processors in this communicator
do i=(1+mytaskid), dihe_num, numtasks
one(1:3,1) = atm_crd(1:3,dihe_arr(1,i))
two(1:3,1) = atm_crd(1:3,dihe_arr(2,i))
three(1:3,1) = atm_crd(1:3,dihe_arr(3,i))
four(1:3,1) = atm_crd(1:3,dihe_arr(4,i))
!! phipsi is a subroutine which compute the dihedral angle on the given
processor from the coordinates of the 4 atoms, which returns phid as
the dihedral angle
call phipsi(phid,one,two,three,four)
phi_prt(1,i) = phid
!! here I compute the cos and sin of the returned dihedral angle.
phi_prt(2,i) = dcos(phid)
phi_prt(3,i) = dsin(phid)
!! "j" keeps track of the number of angles filled.
j = j +1
end do
call mpi_allgather(phi_prt,3*j,mpi_double_precision, &
phi_arr,3*j,mpi_double_precision, &
if (mytaskid .eq. 0) then
do i=1,dihe_num
write(mdout,'(i3,3(1x,f7.3))') i, phi_arr(1:3,i)
end do
end if
when I do this: I just get the data from i=1,4,6,7 are correct, all
other indices is wrong :(. Am i doing something wrong ?
Can anyone help ?
Thanks a lot,
Sampath Koppole,
The Computational Molecular Biophysics Group,
Interdisciplinary Center for Scientific Computing (IWR),
368, Im Neuenheimer Feld,
Heidelberg. D-69120.
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Email : sampath.koppole at iwr.uni-heidelberg.de
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