[MPICH] ExitProcess on windows?

Lists Hammersley hammersleylists at googlemail.com
Mon Oct 15 08:12:28 CDT 2007


Could anyone shed any light on the following please?

Windows XP x64 SP 2
2 processor dual core Opteron 275, 12 GB RAM
MPICH2 1.0.6 x64 download and local win32 debug build.
All processes created locally.

Attached is a simple MPI program, it does the following
- MPI_Init
- Builds a sendBuf/recvBuf the size of the number of processors and initializes
- Does an MPI_Alltoall on the buffers
- Checks the data in recvBuf is valid
- MPI_Finalize

Now call the program repeatedly after a minute or so it will fail.
The loop can be executed from a .bat file such as
mpiexec -np 2 Release\test.exe
goto start

Going into the debugger it says mpiexec has stopped at
smpd_launch_process.c:2469 which is the ExitProcess line.

Does anyone have any suggestions on things to check in our
environment? I've killed Outlook and tried without virus checking on.

Much thanks,
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