[MPICH] debug flag

Wei-keng Liao wkliao at ece.northwestern.edu
Fri May 25 16:53:08 CDT 2007

The problem is that I cannot run my own mpich on the machine. I can see 
the MPICH I am using is of version 2-1.0.2 from peeking at mpif90 script. 
Is there a way to know if it is built using --enable-g=dbg option from the 
mpif90 script?

I don't know if this help, but below is the whole error message:

aborting job:
application called MPI_Abort(MPI_COMM_WORLD, 1) - process <id>
(there are 4000 lines, each with a distinct id number)

----- DEBUG: PCB, CONTEXT, STACK TRACE ---------------------

log_nid  =    15  phys_nid  = 0x98  host_id =   7691  host_pid  = 18545
group_id = 12003  num_procs = 4000  rank    =     15  local_pid =    3
base_node_index =    0   last_node_index = 1999

text_base  = 0x00000000200000   text_len  = 0x00000000400000
data_base  = 0x00000000600000   data_len  = 0x00000000a00000
stack_base = 0x000000fec00000   stack_len = 0x00000001000000
heap_base  = 0x00000001200000   heap_len  = 0x0000007b000000

ss  = 0x000000000000001f  fs  = 000000000000000000  gs  = 0x0000000000000017
rip = 0x00000000002d46fe
rdi = 0x0000000006133a90  rsi = 0xffffffffdc0003c2  rbp = 0x00000000ffbf9d40
rsp = 0x00000000ffbf9cc0  rbx = 0x0000000000000190  rdx = 0x000000003eb08c39
rcx = 0x0000000008ea18b0  rax = 0x0000000008ecff30  cs  = 0x000000000000001f
R8  = 0x0000000007ad2ab0  R9  = 0xfffffffffffffe0c  R10 = 0x0000000008e6bd30
R11 = 0x0000000000000262  R12 = 0x0000000000000a8c  R13 = 0xfffffffff0538770
R14 = 0x00000000fffffe0c  R15 = 0x0000000008ed3dc0
rflg = 0x0000000000010206   prev_sp = 0x00000000ffbf9cc0
error_code = 6

SIGNAL #[11][Segmentation fault]  fault_address = 0xffffffff78ed4cc8
  0xffbf9cc0  0x        ffbf9cf0 0x             fa0 0x       a00006b6c 0x     a8c3e9ab7ff
  0xffbf9ce0  0x         8ed7c50 0x             7d0 0x               0 0x    6b6c002d455b
  0xffbf9d00  0x         8ea18b0 0x         8e6bd30 0x         61338a0 0x             fa0
  0xffbf9d20  0x               0 0x         61338a0 0x           8036c 0x         8ec4390
  0xffbf9d40  0x        ffbf9e80 0x          2d2280 0x         8ecff30 0x           8036c
  0xffbf9d60  0x             fa0 0x        ffbf9de4 0x        ffbf9de8 0x        ffbf9df0
  0xffbf9d80  0x        ffbf9df8 0x               0 0x               0 0x         8ebc680
  0xffbf9da0  0x            1770 0x     7d000a39f88 0x               0 0x      650048174f
  0xffbf9dc0  0x  14fb184c000829 0x         6a93500 0x        ffbf9e30 0x          292e54
  0xffbf9de0  0x               0 0x         8ed3dc0 0x             7af 0x               0
  0xffbf9e00  0x               0 0x         8ecc0a0 0x         8ecff30 0x           8036c
  0xffbf9e20  0x       100000014 0x         8e6bd30 0x         8ea18b0 0x            1770
  0xffbf9e40  0xffffffff6793163f 0x    6b6c00a39fa8 0x     fa00000000f 0x         61338a0
  0xffbf9e60  0x        4c000829 0x          14fb18 0x              65 0x               0
  0xffbf9e80  0x        ffbf9ee0 0x          2a397c 0x          866b60 0x        ffbf9eb0

Stack Trace:  ------------------------------
#0  0x00000000002d46fe in ADIOI_Calc_my_req()
#1  0x00000000002d2280 in ADIOI_GEN_WriteStridedColl()
#2  0x00000000002a397c in MPIOI_File_write_all()
#3  0x00000000002a3a4a in PMPI_File_write_all()
#4  0x00000000002913a8 in pmpi_file_write_all_()
could not find symbol for addr 0x73696e6966204f49

On Fri, 25 May 2007, Robert Latham wrote:

> On Fri, May 25, 2007 at 03:56:16PM -0500, Wei-keng Liao wrote:
>> I have an MPI I/O application that runs fine up to 1000 processes, but
>> failed when using 4000 processes. Parts of error message are
>>     ...
>>     Stack Trace:  ------------------------------
>>     #0  0x00000000002d46fe in ADIOI_Calc_my_req()
>>     #1  0x00000000002d2280 in ADIOI_GEN_WriteStridedColl()
>>     #2  0x00000000002a397c in MPIOI_File_write_all()
>>     #3  0x00000000002a3a4a in PMPI_File_write_all()
>>     #4  0x00000000002913a8 in pmpi_file_write_all_()
>>     could not find symbol for addr 0x73696e6966204f49
>>     aborting job:
>>     application called MPI_Abort(MPI_COMM_WORLD, 1) - process 1456
>>     ...
>> My question is what debug flags should I use for compiling and running in
>> order to help find what exact location in function ADIOI_Calc_my_req()
>> causes this error?
> Hi Wei-keng
> If you build MPICH2 with --enable-g=dbg, then all of MPI will be built
> with debugging symbols.   Be sure to 'make clean' first: the ROMIO
> objects might not rebuild otherwise.
> I wonder what caused the abort?  maybe ADIOI_Malloc failed to allocate
> memory?  Well, a stack trace with debugging symbols should be
> interesting.
> ==rob
> -- 
> Rob Latham
> Mathematics and Computer Science Division    A215 0178 EA2D B059 8CDF
> Argonne National Lab, IL USA                 B29D F333 664A 4280 315B

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