[MPICH] MPI-IO, vector dataype

Russell L. Carter rcarter at esturion.net
Thu May 3 18:58:08 CDT 2007

> It is easy to run on a single machine. With MPD, all you need to do is
> % mpd &
> % mpiexec -n 2 a.out 

Works great.  No difference between pvfs2 and unix.

> blocks of 4 ints each because you have defined INTS_PER_BLK=4.

I'm guilty of a transcription error, crap.  Sorry about that,
that's a stupid waste of time.  Should have been INTS_PER_BLK=8.
With INTS_PER_BLK=4, I agree with your values but the problem
is still there.  I have found what appears to be the problem.
The stride arg in the Create_vector method appears to be
ignored.  It doesn't matter what I set it to, 0 on up to
nprocs*blocksize, the block data for each proc is written
out contiguously.

If I set the view displacement to be myrank*nints,
the file always looks like this, without
any holes, for any number of blocks and stride I set
(nprocs is 2, neg is rank 0, pos is rank 1):

0000000           0          -1          -2          -3
0000020          -4          -5          -6          -7
0000040          -8          -9         -10         -11
0000060         -12         -13         -14         -15
0000100         -16         -17         -18         -19
0000120         -20         -21         -22         -23
0000140         -24         -25         -26         -27
0000160         -28         -29         -30         -31
0000200           0           1           2           3
0000220           4           5           6           7
0000240           8           9          10          11
0000260          12          13          14          15
0000300          16          17          18          19
0000320          20          21          22          23
0000340          24          25          26          27
0000360          28          29          30          31

If I set the view displacements to
blocksize*sizeof(int)*myrank, the file looks like this,
for any stride (nblocks/proc is 2 here):

0000000           0          -1          -2          -3
0000020          -4          -5          -6          -7
0000040          -8          -9         -10         -11
0000060         -12         -13         -14         -15
0000100           0           1           2           3
0000120           4           5           6           7
0000140           8           9          10          11
0000160          12          13          14          15
0000200          16          17          18          19
0000220          20          21          22          23
0000240          24          25          26          27
0000260          28          29          30          31

The further reduced code is appended.  As far as I can tell
it should produce identical datatypes and views as the program
on p. 65 of Using MPI-2.  It was my impression that that
program was intended to read interleaved data, maybe it's


#include "mpi.h"
#include <iostream>
using namespace std;

struct tester
         : myrank(MPI::COMM_WORLD.Get_rank()),
           bufsize(FILESIZE/nprocs), nints(bufsize/sizeof(int)),
           nblocks(1), blocksize(nints/nblocks),
         filetype.Create_vector(nblocks, blocksize, nprocs * blocksize);
         obuf = new int[bufsize];
         ibuf = new int[bufsize];
     ~tester() {
         delete[] obuf;
         delete[] ibuf;
     void write()
         for (int i = 0; i < nints; ++i) {
             if (myrank)
                 obuf[i] = i;
                 obuf[i] = -i;

         MPI::File f = open_set_view(MPI_MODE_CREATE | MPI_MODE_WRONLY);
         f.Write_all(obuf, nints, MPI_INT, status);
     void read()
         MPI::File f = open_set_view(MPI_MODE_RDONLY);
         f.Read_all(ibuf, nints, MPI_INT, status);
         for (int i = 0; i < nints; ++i) {
             if (obuf[i] != ibuf[i]) {
                 cerr << "myrank, i, obuf[i], ibuf[i]: " << myrank << " "
                      << i << " " << obuf[i] << " " << ibuf[i] << endl;
     static const int FILESIZE = 256;
     int myrank, nprocs, bufsize, nints, nblocks, blocksize, *obuf, *ibuf;
     MPI::Datatype filetype;
     string fname;
     MPI::Status status;

     MPI::File open_set_view(int mode)
         MPI::File f = MPI::File::Open(MPI::COMM_WORLD, fname.c_str(),
                                       mode, MPI::INFO_NULL);
         MPI::Offset disp = blocksize * sizeof(int) * myrank;
         f.Set_view(disp, MPI_INT, filetype, "native", MPI_INFO_NULL);
         return f;
int main()
     cerr << "Starting rwall.\n";
     try {
         tester t;
     } catch (exception &e) {
         cerr << "\nCaught exception: " << e.what() << endl;
         return -1;
     } catch (MPI::Exception& e) {
         cerr << "\nError:\n" << e.Get_error_string();
         return -2;
     cerr << "rwall end.\n";
     return 0;

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