[MPICH] MPICH between Playstation3 and Intel PC?

Jan Wagner jwagner at kurp.hut.fi
Thu Mar 8 05:02:34 CST 2007


I am trying to get an MPICH 1.2.7 program to work on Playstation, and 
execute an MPICH 1.2.5 program on an Intel PC (named "warp" below). 
However, after a short while the Init gives me a net_conn_to_listener 

It's the same when executing the remote exec command on the command line:

[jwagner at ps3-001 ~]$  ssh warp -l jwagner -n /usr/bin/mpifxcorr 
ps3-001.kurp.hut.fi 56995 \-p4amslave \-p4yourname warp
DiFX Intel IPP Version
About to run MPIInit
rm_29828:  p4_error: rm_start: net_conn_to_listener failed: 56995

Any ideas? Obviously the ssh into warp works, but then something else 
fails. Shouldn't MPICH-1 work together with other MPICH-1? And MPICH 
should mask any system endianness differences at least in it's own 
communication (not necessarily user data)?

  - Jan

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