[MPICH] collective abort of all ranks

Anthony Chan chan at mcs.anl.gov
Sat Jun 9 23:15:28 CDT 2007

On Sat, 9 Jun 2007, Kamaraju Kusumanchi wrote:

> Hi all,
> I would appreciate if someone can help me with the following code. I
> am having trouble in understanding why the parallel version is giving
> errors while the serial version of it is working fine. Also, what does
> "collective abort of all ranks" mean?

all processes in your MPI job abort collectively.

> Consider the test.f90 attached in this email.
> $mpif90 test.f90
> compiles fine. However, when I run it gives the following error.
> $mpiexec -l -n 4 ./a.out
> rank 3 in job 282  node1.jit.mae.cornell.edu_33436   caused collective
> abort ofall ranks
>  exit status of rank 3: killed by signal 11
> rank 1 in job 282  node1.jit.mae.cornell.edu_33436   caused collective
> abort ofall ranks
>  exit status of rank 1: killed by signal 11

Signal 11 is segmentation fault.  The most likely reason is that your
program is accessing invalid memory.  Recompile your code with -g
(and recompile your mpich2-1.0.5p4 with --enable-g=meminit,dbg if
possible), then rerun your code with gdb, ddd, or valgrind.

> Do you think this is a memory issue? But the size of the arrays
> involved is pretty small 600x600 double precision real arrays.
> Moreover the code does not give any errors if I comment out all the
> MPI statements and just run it using f90.

It is possible that some of the arguments in the MPI calls are accessing
invalid memory...

> $mpif90 -show
> f90 -I/home/raju/software/compiledLibs/mpich2_1.0.5p4_gcc_4.3.0_absoft_8.0/include
> -p/home/raju/software/compiledLibs/mpich2_1.0.5p4_gcc_4.3.0_absoft_8.0/include
> -L/home/raju/software/compiledLibs/mpich2_1.0.5p4_gcc_4.3.0_absoft_8.0/lib
> -lmpichf90 -lmpichf90 -lmpich -lpthread -lrt
> Here f90 is absoft 8.0 fortran 90 compiler. I am using mpich2 1.0.5p4,
> compiled with absoft fortran compiler 8.0, gcc 4.3.0.

If possbile, you may want to use gcc 4.2 instead of the experimental gcc
4.3, just in case 4.3 is buggy...


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