[MPICH] Compiling MPI Fortran program

Kamaraju Kusumanchi kamaraju at gmail.com
Mon Jul 2 08:15:48 CDT 2007

On 7/1/07, Hom Nath Gharti <hng.email at gmail.com> wrote:
> Dear all,
> I have installed recent version of g95, MinGW and MPICH2. I have a very
> simple MPI Fortran program. I used the following batch file to compile the
> program:
> --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
> echo off
> rem  ******DIRECTORIES******
> set G95=c:\MinGW
> set mpichi=C:\MPICH2\include
> set mpichl=C:\MPICH2\lib
> rem  *****************************
> g95 main.f95 -o main.exe -I %mpichi% -I %mpichl% %mpichl%\libmpi.a

Why are you using g95 to compile an mpi program? Shouldn't you use
something like mpif90 to compile them?

Also please include the main.f95 program so that others will be able
to reproduce the problem and help you better.


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