[MPICH] mpd hangs

Martin Kleinschmidt mk at theochem.uni-duesseldorf.de
Thu Feb 15 01:20:34 CST 2007

On Mi, 14 Feb 2007, Ralph Butler wrote:

>On WedFeb 14, at Wed Feb 14 10:13AM, Martin Kleinschmidt wrote:
>>is there any other way to set up mpd so that it will be more  tolerant
>>to failure of one node?
>>Or is there any alternative to mpd? e.g. like in the "old" mpi-1,
>>where there was no mpd and jobs were started via rsh?
>mpd tries to be tolerant of single-node failures.  Many times it is  
>successful, as you point out.  However,  it's resilience is somewhat
>dependent on the flow of  jobs in and out of the system at the time.

OK. But my problem is, that fault-tolerant operation is more an
exception than  normal behaviour.
As we are only starting with all this parallel stuff, parallel job load
is usually low (1-3 jobs of 2-8 CPUs out of 48) at the time of node
>There are a couple of other process managers that may  be more to your
>liking.  I don't know much about them.  But, they are smpd and remshell
>(which uses rsh/ssh as you mentioned above).  I believe they are
>discussed in the manual.  Other  folks may be able to offer additional

thanks for the hint, I'll have a look at them!


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