[MPICH] MPI_Reduce_scatter

Calin Iaru calin at dolphinics.no
Fri Dec 21 09:31:53 CST 2007

I am using PALLAS to stress MPI_Reduce_scatter. The error reported after 
millions of inner loops is:

3: MPI error  875666319 occurred
3: Other MPI error, error stack:
3: MPI_Reduce_scatter(1201): MPI_Reduce_scatter(sbuf=0x2aaaabdfb010,
rbuf=0x2aaaac1fc010, rcnts=0x176e1850, MPI_INT, MPI_SUM, comm=0x84000000)
3: MPIR_Reduce_scatter(372):
3: MPIC_Send(48):
3: MPIC_Wait(321):
3: MPIDI_CH3_Progress(115): Unable to make message passing progress
3: handle_read(280):
3: MPIDI_CH3U_Handle_recv_pkt(250): failure occurred while allocating memory
for a request object
3: aborting job:
3: application called MPI_Abort(MPI_COMM_WORLD, 875666319) - process 3

The library is 1.0.2p1 and I would like to know if there are some 
changes that would fix this issue.

Best regards,

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