[MPICH] MPI_Comm_spawn and argument array_of_errcodes

Wei-keng Liao wkliao at ece.northwestern.edu
Wed Aug 29 01:41:41 CDT 2007

MPI-2 also defines the argument array_of_info in MPI_Comm_spawn_multiple() 
is significant only at root. However, in the source files 
src/mpi/spawn/comm_spawn_multiple.c, this argument is used by all MPI 
processes (lines 112-114).

My test code failed when NULL pointer is used on processes other than 


On Tue, 28 Aug 2007, Wei-keng Liao wrote:

> Is the argument array_of_errcodes significant only at root in function 
> MPI_Comm_spawn() and MPI_Comm_spawn_multiple()?
> MPI-2 standard seems to indicate it is not.
> My test of mpich2 shows the returned values in this argument are only 
> significant at root. If non-root processes check this argument may see 
> values other than MPI_SUCCESS, due to this uninitialized integer array.
> Wei-keng

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