[MPICH] MPICH 105, SUN NIAGARA dead in the water

Anthony Chan chan at mcs.anl.gov
Thu Apr 26 13:43:25 CDT 2007

On Thu, 26 Apr 2007, chong tan wrote:

> shm/ssm  : dropped pacakge
> nemesis   : not supported
> socket     : works, but very-very-very-slow due to the number of communication.  In one test, with 26 billion send+recieve, 6 processes with MPI is more than 10X slower than uni-process  (uni-process takes 15 hours)

This is off from the original topic.  But your stated performance
suggests your app's ratio of communication/computation may be too high
to archieve good performance.  Does your message tend to be small and
frequent ?  If so, is it possible to combine them using MPI_Pack ?
(I believe that there are tools that can do that for you.)


> any suggestion ?
> thanks
> tan
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