[MPICH] SSM channel on Solaris 64bit

James S Perrin james.s.perrin at manchester.ac.uk
Wed Apr 25 05:10:25 CDT 2007

	I trying to configure MPICH2 1.0.5p4 on Solaris 9 with the Sun Studio 
11 compilers. I wish to use the ch3:ssm channel. From the release notes:

"The ssm channel uses special interprocess locks (often assembly) that 
may not work with some compilers or machine architectures. ... It also 
works in Windows and Solaris environments."

I'm presuming this means if using gcc (the default) under Solaris as I 
got the following error:

configure: error: Use of inline process locks is not supported.  Please 
volunteer to fix this code
configure: error: Configure of src/mpid/common/locks failed!

I had set the following env and run configure as:

CFLAGS=-xarch=v9 -xcode=pic32 -xs -O -xmemalign=8s
CXXFLAGS=-xarch=v9 -xcode=pic32 -xs -O -xmemalign=8s

./configure --with-mpe --with-pm=mpd --with-device=ch3:ssm 
--with-thread-package=pthreads --disable-f77 --disable-f90

I just needs my suspicions confirmed.

James S. Perrin,                  | email: james.perrin at manchester.ac.uk
Manchester Visualization Centre,  | web:   www.mc.manchester.ac.uk
Kilburn Building, The University, | tel:   +44 161 275 6945
Manchester, England. M13 9PL.     | fax:   +44 161 275 0637
"The test of intellect is the refusal to belabour the obvious"
- Alfred Bester

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