[MPICH] stuck in bcast

Geoff Jacobs gdjacobs at gmail.com
Fri Oct 27 12:58:15 CDT 2006

Martin Kleinschmidt wrote:
> On Do, 26 Okt 2006, Rajeev Thakur wrote:
>> Is there enough memory allocated for the buffer? 
>             if (myid .eq. 0) then
>                allocate(adiag(nsaf), ediag(nsaf), stat = ierr)
>                if (ierr .ne. 0) stop 'allocation error in sigdire'
>                (calculate ediag)
>             endif
>             if (myid .ne. 0) then
>                allocate(ediag(nsaf), stat = ierr)
>                if (ierr .ne. 0) stop 'allocation error in sigdire'
>             endif
> c for testing if ediag is correctly allocated:
>             do ia = 1, nsaf
>                ediag(i) = i
>             enddo
> c  this is working up to nsaf=1495039 
>             do ii = 1 490 001 , 1 500 001
>                call MPI_bcast(ediag, ii,
>      $              MPI_double_precision, 0, MPI_Comm_World, MPIerr)
>                write(*,*)'bcast success, ii=',ii
>             enddo
>> If you can send us a small test program that demonstrates the error, it
>> would be useful.
> This is one of my problems: I have not yet been able to extract an
> example out of my code, which still produces the error.
> Maybe it depends on something, my code does before reaching the bcast,
> but I can't imagine what it might be...

Can you try this on a different compiler (I could help in this, if you
don't have access otherwise)?

Geoffrey D. Jacobs

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