[MPICH] standard input limited to 4096 bytes?

Martin Kleinschmidt mk at theochem.uni-duesseldorf.de
Tue Oct 17 11:20:01 CDT 2006

On Di, 17 Okt 2006, Zhengting Gan wrote:

>Hi Martin,
>I think you should add MPI_finalize() in your code.

Thanks for the idea, but it does not help:
added MPI_finalize as last command before end - program hangs after 
write(*,*) '0' 
and before

>----- Original Message ----- 
>From: "Martin Kleinschmidt" <mk at theochem.uni-duesseldorf.de>
>To: <mpich-discuss at mcs.anl.gov>
>Sent: Tuesday, October 17, 2006 10:56 AM
>Subject: [MPICH] standard input limited to 4096 bytes?
>>I'm having problems with standard input.
>>the following program:
>>     program  test
>>     include 'mpif.h'
>>     integer myid, nproc
>>     write(*,*) '0'
>>     call MPI_init(MPIerr)
>>     write(*,*) '0a'
>>     call MPI_comm_rank(MPI_comm_world,myid, MPIerr)
>>     write(*,*) '0b'
>>     call MPI_comm_size(MPI_comm_world,nproc,MPIerr)
>>     write(*,*) '0c'
>>     end
>>runs correctly when started with
>>mpiexec -n2 ./a.out < input_file_smaller_than_4097_bytes
>>but hangs in call MPI_init when called with
>>mpiexec -n2 ./a.out < input_file_larger_than_4096_bytes
>>note that the program does NOT access standard input!
>>I'm using mpich2-1.0.4p1, intel compilers 9.x, fedora core2.
>>Is this a general problem of mpich? 
>>Is there any solution?
>>In my "real" program, I regularly need standard input from files larger
>>than 4096 bytes.
>>  ...martin

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ueberinterpretiert. Zum Beispiel Slowenien. (Er ueberlegt.) Zu Slowenien
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(Ein Eurosport-Kommentator)

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