[MPICH] "failed to ping mpd on "

Ralph Butler rbutler at mtsu.edu
Tue May 23 15:16:40 CDT 2006

If you open a particular set of ports for use, you can specify that  
set when you run
MPI pgms by using the MPICH_PORT_RANGE env var, e.g.:
     setenv MPICH_PORT_RANGE 5000:6000

On May 23, 2006, at 12:24 PM, hicham wrote:

> On 5/23/06, Ralph Butler <rbutler at mtsu.edu> wrote:
>> mpd will pick a port for you.  But if you want to pick one yourself,
>> the -l (--listenport) option
>> supports that; see "mpd --help".  Keep in mind that the MPI processes
>> will also need to
>> communicate and will need other ports.
> that 'll be tricky to set firewall rules
> if I set a port to mpd  let 's say 40000,
> what are the other ports  that MPI processes  needs ?
> hicham

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