[MPICH] mpiexec_pc01: mpd_uncaught_except_tb handling

Ralph Butler rbutler at mtsu.edu
Tue May 9 12:28:13 CDT 2006

Hi Nguyen:

The Troubleshooting guide gives a sequence of things to try before  
hostname.  In particular, it suggests using mpdcheck in a variety of  
ways to
verify that the host's configuration seems good.  The output that you  
seems to indicate host configuration problems.  So, I would propose  
the mpdcheck stuff first.  If mpdcheck does not help to clear up the  
then the guide also suggests some extra mpdcheck runs that produce  
that may be useful in debugging the config.


On May 8, 2006, at 12:13 AM, nguyen thanh nha wrote:

> when i type mpiexec -n 1 /bin/hostname (as suggest in
> Appendix TroubeShooting in Install Guide) , i get this
> error :
> [root at pc01 ~]# mpiexec -n 1 /bin/hostname
> mpiexec_pc01 (send_dict_msg 426):send_dict_msg: sock=
> errmsg=:(32, 'Broken pipe'):
>   mpdtb:
>     /opt/mpich2-install/bin/mpdlib.py,  426,
> send_dict_msg
>     /opt/mpich2-install/bin/mpiexec,  241,  mpiexec
>     /opt/mpich2-install/bin/mpiexec,  1380,  ?
> mpiexec_pc01: mpd_uncaught_except_tb handling:
>   exceptions.KeyError: 'cmd'
>     /opt/mpich2-install/bin/mpiexec  246  mpiexec
>         elif msg['cmd'] !=
> 'response_get_mpdrun_values':
>     /opt/mpich2-install/bin/mpiexec  1380  ?
>         mpiexec()
> Please help me  , i don't know what to do, it makes me
> confused .
> Thanks for any reply.
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