[MPICH] Testing File open success

James S Perrin james.s.perrin at manchester.ac.uk
Fri Mar 10 05:12:18 CST 2006

	What is the correct way to test is a file has been opened successfully using 
MPI_File_Open()? Currently I'm doing a fopen like test on the file handle:

} else {

but have found that under linux files with spurious paths are coming back as 
success using this method (file mode is RDONLY). Should I be testing the result 
of MPI_File_Open() directly?

James S. Perrin,                   | email: james.perrin at manchester.ac.uk
Manchester Visualization Centre,   | www.sve.man.ac.uk/General/Staff/perrin
Kilburn Building, The University,  | tel: +44 161 275 6945
Manchester, England. M13 9PL.      | fax: +44 161 275 6800/6040
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