[MPICH] How to ask MPi to clean up its buffer ?

chong tan chong_guan_tan at yahoo.com
Mon Aug 28 14:23:47 CDT 2006

I am working on a project where multiple process may
exchange data millions of data.  I use
Isend and Recv, I don't create buffer, just plain
simple MPI interface to let the processes exchange
data.  There is a litle 'timing' engine such that the
'next sync' point is communicated between the
processes.  For every send, there is always a Recv. 
The amount of data sent is small, roughly 10 each

When I allow the processes to Send/Rec data more than
some large number, in my case around 260,000, I get
MPI error :

Fatal error in MPI_Recv: Unable to allocate memory for
MPI_Alloc_mem, error stack:
MPI_Recv(179): MPI_Recv(buf=8496030, count=6, MPI_INT,
src=0, tag=999, MPI_COMM_WORLD, status=1) failed
MPID_Recv(36): Out of memory

I believe this is likely due to the fact that I don't
ask MPI to recycle its internal buffer.  I just can't
find related doc.  

Any suggestion ?

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