[MPICH] Problems under Visual Studio 2005

Bruno Simioni brunosimioni at gmail.com
Wed Aug 2 17:07:00 CDT 2006


I found problems trying to debug my mpi parallel program under Visual
studio 2005. The compiler is unable to create the process.

I´ve tried with icpi.exe (an example of mpich2), and the answer is
access denied for all process started from visual studio.

When I compile the program, the output file works fine. The problem is
about the debuggging process.

So have anyone ever tried this problem? Anyone can help me?


Bruno Simioni
Bacharelado em Ciências da Computação
Universidade Estadual Paulista - Unesp Rio Claro / São Paulo / Brasil
brunosimioni at gmail.com
14 - 9753-4380

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