[MPICH] Building pman_vis

David Ashton ashton at mcs.anl.gov
Fri Nov 25 19:41:17 CST 2005

When building from the source distribution you have to run winconfigure.wsf
to generate the header files (which requires you to have perl in your path).
If you want to build with the binary release then you will have to change
the include and library directories in the projects to point to the include
and lib directories where you installed the binary release.  The projects in
the source distribution assume you have configured and built MPICH2 from the
source directory.

-David Ashton

-----Original Message-----
From: owner-mpich-discuss at mcs.anl.gov
[mailto:owner-mpich-discuss at mcs.anl.gov] On Behalf Of peter_raeth at juno.com
Sent: Friday, November 25, 2005 3:04 PM
To: mpich-discuss at mcs.anl.gov
Subject: [MPICH] Building pman_vis

The examples directory in the source collection has a sample Visual Studio
.NET v3 C++ project called pman_vis.

During the build, an error is generated saying that mpicxx.h can not be
found. The closes file in the directory structure is mpicxx.h.in. Should
that file be renamed to mpicxx.h and placed in the include directory?

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