[MPICH] Question about MPICH2 on a single machine

William Gropp gropp at mcs.anl.gov
Wed Nov 23 15:29:27 CST 2005

At 01:19 PM 11/23/2005, Zaiwen Wen wrote:

>2. --with-pm=gforker
>My configuration is:
>/home/code/mpich/mpich2-1.0.2p1/configure 2>&1 -prefix=/opt/mpich2/ 
>--with-pm=gforker  | tee configure.log
>After installation,  directory "bin" contains the following files:
>clog2_print  mpicc  mpich2version  mpicxx  mpiexec  mpif77  mpif90
>When I try "make testing", it prompted that all 354 tests passed!
>I can not find " mpirun". Is the installation right? Anyway, some 
>applications need "mpirun", how can I solve this problem?

MPICH2 uses "mpiexec", as recommended by the MPI-2 standard, for process 
startup.  For simple use, you can set a link from mpiexec to mpirun, e.g.,

cd mpich2/bin
ln -s mpiexec mpirun

Applications should switch to mpiexec, as that is the only portable way to 
start MPI processes.  Up-to-date MPI implementations will provide mpiexec .


William Gropp

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