Error during mpdboot

Bruno Nyffeler bruno.nyffeler at
Tue May 31 04:39:21 CDT 2005


I have been installing MPICH2 on several clusters and it worked flawless 
on almost all machines. Just on one small cluster (Redhat 7.3) mpdboot 
does not work and produces an error. So, I tried to start mpd directly 
on two of the machines (like it is described in the installers guide), 
using sth like:

host1> mpd -e &
host2> mpd -h host1 -p 47684

The server (on host1) prints this message:

    host1_47684 (_handle_new_connection 940): INVALID msg from new 
connection :('', 50674): msg=:{}:

while mpd on host2 quits with:

    host2_50673 failed ; cause: invalid challenge msg: {}
        traceback: [('/tmp/mpich2/mpich2-1.0.1/bin/mpd', '1158', 
'_enter_existing_ring'),     ('/tmp/mpich2/mpich2-1.0.1/bin/mpd', '175', 
'_mpd_init'), ('/tmp/mpich2/mpich2-1.0.1/bin/mpd', '1398', '?')]

I also tried the following using mpdcheck:

host1> mpdcheck -s
server listening at INADDR_ANY on: host1 47700

host2> mpdcheck -c host1 47700

which exits on host1 with:

    server has conn on <socket object, fd=5, family=2, type=1, 
protocol=0> from ('', 50677)
    server successfully recvd msg from client: hello_from_client_to_server

and on host2 with:

    client successfully recvd ack from server: ack_from_server_to_client

The machines are based on Intel Xeon CPUs and the OS is RedHat 7.3, 
kernel 2.4.18-27.
Do you have any ideas about this?

Thank you in advance,

Bruno Nyffeler

Dr. Bruno Nyffeler
Swiss Institute of Bioinformatics
1015 Lausanne Switzerland
email    bruno.nyffeler at
phone    +41 21 6924033
mobile  +41 79 5154556
fax    +41 21 6924065

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