[MPICH] mpich2-1.0.2: running mpd as root fails

Martin Siegert siegert at sfu.ca
Tue Jun 28 21:01:22 CDT 2005


I just switched to mpich2-1.0.2 from mpich2-1.0.1.
I am running mpd as root (started at boot time) with

mpd --ifhn=r1 --daemon --listenport=6742 --pid

on the head node and

mpd --host=r1 --port=6742 --daemon --pid

on all the other nodes. r1 is the hostname assigned to the private
interface ( network) on the head node while gethostname
returns a different hostname that corresponds to the public interface.

After booting all the mpd's mpdtrace lists the hostname that corresponds
to the public interface, not r1. I am not absolutely sure whether this
is a problem, but it worries me since under mpich2-1.0.1 the correct
hostname r1 was returned by mpdtrace.

Furthermore, all attempts to start a program with mpiexec fail with the
error message

unable to open rc file: /home/siegert/.mpd.conf

i.e., somehow the global /etc/mpd.conf file is ignored.
Am I missing something? I did change "password" to "secretword" in
/etc/mpd.conf, but maybe there is something else that must be changed?

All of this worked under mpich2-1.0.1 without problems, i.e.,

mpd --if=r1 --daemon --listenport=6742

on the head node and

mpd --host=r1 --port=6742 --daemon

on all the other nodes.


Martin Siegert
Head, HPC at SFU
WestGrid Site Manager
Academic Computing Services                        phone: (604) 291-4691
Simon Fraser University                            fax:   (604) 291-4242
Burnaby, British Columbia                          email: siegert at sfu.ca
Canada  V5A 1S6

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