Building MPICH2 with PGI 6.0

Jeffrey B. Layton laytonjb at
Mon Jun 6 08:28:33 CDT 2005

Good morning,

   I'm trying to build MPICH2-1.0.1 with PGI 6.0
for the F90 compiler and gcc for the C compiler
(I'm building on CentOS 4.0). I'm getting the following errors:

../bin/mpicc -L../lib -o cpi cpi.o  -lm -lmpich       -lpthread  
-lrt          -lpthread  -lrt
undefined reference to `__pgdbg_stub'
undefined reference to `pgf90_compiled'
undefined reference to `__pgio_ini'

I'm not sure what the problem is - any advice?



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