[MPICH] Building pman_vis -- taking the next step

David Ashton ashton at mcs.anl.gov
Thu Dec 1 19:03:25 CST 2005

This doesn't rule out the dll problem.  If a dll exists in your user path
environment variable but does not exist in the system path environment
variable then the application will fail to run using mpiexec - even on the
same node where mpiexec is run.

This very much appears to be a dll problem.  I suspect if you run:

echo %PATH%
dumpbin /imports your_mpi_app.exe

you will find a dll that your application depends on in your user path.
Copy that dll or dlls to the same location as your executable and you will
be able to run your job.

-David Ashton

-----Original Message-----
From: peter_raeth at juno.com [mailto:peter_raeth at juno.com] 
Sent: Thursday, December 01, 2005 9:28 AM
To: ashton at mcs.anl.gov
Cc: peter_raeth at juno.com; mpich-discuss at mcs.anl.gov
Subject: RE: [MPICH] Building pman_vis -- taking the next step

The program runs correctly on each node when started on that node without
invoking mpiexec. Invoking mpiexec using only that node still causes an
immediate exit.

If your program exits before main is even called, this is usually due to a
missing dll.  If your application depends on a dll in your path that is not
in the system path it will fail when you use mpiexec.  You can run "dumpbin
/imports my_mpi_app.exe" to see what dlls your application depends on and
then make sure they are available on all the nodes.  The easiest way to do
this is to put all user dlls your application depends on in the same place
as your application.  If the only dlls your application depends on are the
mpi dlls and systems dlls then this is not the problem.

-David Ashton

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