[MOAB-dev] MOAB v5.2.0 release
Mahadevan, Vijay S.
mahadevan at anl.gov
Fri Jul 17 16:03:33 CDT 2020
Dear users,
We are happy to announce a release update for MOAB (version 5.2.0). The release tarball can be downloaded from the following link.
We thank our users for the continued feature contributions and bug fixes.
Patrick Shriwise
Johannes Probst
Ben Whitney
John Cary
Paul P.H. Wilson
Michel de Messieres
Kris Beckwith
Kalin Kiesling
Baptiste Mouginot
Hill Yuan
The detailed list of feature additions and contributed enhancements + fixes that are part of the release are provided below.
* PR #424, #445, #461, #462, #467, #474: Significant feature additions in mbtempest to improve the TempestRemap-based mapping weights generation workflow
– Expose both Kd-tree and advancing front intersection
– Verifications of mapping weight generation for very high-res cases at scale
– Improve mbconvert to transform TR supported file formats to MOAB h5m and vice-versa
– Ability to write out the computed remapping weights in parallel to a h5m file is now supported. A h5mtoscrip utility tool to convert the h5m file to SCRIP format is available.
– Add an extra verification option for maps computed with mbtempest to validate projection weights
– Improve master-slave partitioner tool
– Performance enhancements: Several optimizations in the iMOAB implementation and OnlineMap computation routines have been implemented
* PR #437: Allow ability to support empty parts in parallel mesh handling
* PR #454, #464, #475: Enable coupling and consistent remap of data between discrete meshes and point cloud representations
– A new ParCommGraph class is now available to store communication patterns between MPI groups
– Feature additions support rendezvous coupling that has been tested for multi-way transfer between atmosphere, ocean, land components
* PR #465: Add a new KDtree-based intersection to replace advancing front intersection when dealing with source grids with holes
* PR #471: Introduce the concept of an “inferred” master-slave partitioning method using Zoltan RCB algorithm in mbpart
– This feature provided a significant speedup for offline remapping calculations on a sphere
– TODO: Test similar ideas for other coupled computational problems
* PR #482: Domain file reader in NetCDF format to support E3SM integration
* PR #485: Extensive CMake configuration updates to support Windows platform builds
* PR #486: Adding a new option for area computations using Gauss quadrature based integration instead of spherical excess
* PR #419: Cache the latest facet for RayHistory in OBB tree
* PR #420, #435: Global ID default value (unset) is now -1, while DOFs related to Global ID start from 1
* PR #429: Option for consistent (multiple) ghost layers in thin partitions
* PR #438: Improve coexistence of LAPACK and Eigen3 in configurations
* PR #442: MBTR - Remove assumption that FV DoF numbering is 0-based (now 1-based for both FV/SE)
* PR #444, #449: CMake build improvements related to MPI, HDF5, OSX
* PR #446: Option to reset Global IDs during partitioning
* PR #455: Enforce MOAB flags to add c++0x flags if supported
* PR #463: Update default download option for NetCDF(4.6.3), HDF5 (1.10.1)
* PR #468: PyMOAB bindings to set_connectivity
* PR #475: Improve regridding intersection robustness
* PR #483: Add a new download option to sync large files from FTP site to avoid bloating repository with static meshes
* PR #488: Enforce uniform formatting of the entire source repository with clang-format tool with updated coding guidelines
* PR #414, #434: HDF5 writer fixes for polyhedral meshes, to address issues #99 and #110
* PR #415: Fixing index overflow in SQIJ partition for structured meshes
* PR #417, #421, #469: Python bindings fixes and compliance to Python 3 standards
* PR #430: Fixing HDF5 regression test issues
* PR #431, #453, #466, #480: Changes to conform to evolving TempestRemap API co-development
* PR #450: Fix seqfault in Range destructor
* PR #472: HDF5 file descriptor initialization that resolves some issues in VisIt-MOAB plugin
* PR #473: Minor fix for Tqdcfr reader
Please let us know if you have any questions or issues that occur during the upgrade.
Thank you,
MOAB development team
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