[MOAB-dev] Parallel MOAB usage

Filipe Antonio Cumaru Silva Alves facsa at cin.ufpe.br
Wed Oct 17 14:29:45 CDT 2018

I am using MOAB to accomplish some tasks in parallel computing of meshes
and I've got some doubts about it.

1. Is there any method to access an element in a mesh partition from
another partition? E.g., get the elements surrounding another element which
could possibly belong to another processor. I've tried to use the
get_bridge_adjacencies method from moab::MeshTopoUtil but it does not seem
to work this way.

2. How the send_entities and recv_entities methods from ParallelComm class
work? Is it similar to MPI_Send and MPI_Receive? I would like to know more
about those methods's arguments.

Thank you.

Filipe Antônio Cumaru Silva Alves

Graduando em Engenharia da Computação (2016.1)
Monitor de Interface Hardware-Software (IF817)
Bolsista de iniciação científica CNPq no PADMEC (Processamento de Alto
Desempenho na Mecânica Computacional)
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