[MOAB-dev] Setting tags of non-owned entities

Alexander Nikolas Breuer anbreuer at ucsd.edu
Fri Jul 15 00:56:29 CDT 2016

Dear MOAB-team,

I have a (hopefully) quick questions on the User Guide:

> Owning Processor: Each shared entity is owned by exactly one processor. This processor has the right to set tag values on the entity and have those values propagated to any sharing processors.

Would like to create an (globally) inconsistent state by setting values (dense tag) of non-owned entities. Don’t need this info on neighboring ranks -> I’ll never propagate that info through pcomm. Are there any technical reasons existing against doing so?

Should I initialize the ghost entities remotely first so that the memory gets allocated properly?

> Storage for a given dense tag is not allocated until a tag value is set on an entity; memory for a given dense tag is allocated for all entities in a given sequence at the same time.



PS: [6] “MOAB Users Email List.”, moab at mcs.anl.gov. in http://ftp.mcs.anl.gov/pub/fathom/moab-docs/contents.html#references seems to be broken:

> The following message to <moab at mcs.anl.gov> was undeliverable.
> The reason for the problem:
> 5.1.0 - Unknown address error 550-'#5.1.0 Address rejected.'

Alexander Breuer
University of California, San Diego
San Diego Supercomputer Center
9500 Gilman Drive MC 0505
La Jolla, California 92093-0505, USA
+1 (858) 822-5692

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