[MOAB-dev] MOAB error: Undefined symbols for architecture x86_64

Vijay S. Mahadevan vijay.m at gmail.com
Mon Jul 6 15:50:55 CDT 2015

Yes, this was an inconsistent behavior and thanks for pointing it out.
We have a branch now that will fix this and makefile will be installed
along with examples in the future to avoid confusion and to make the
installation self sufficient.


On Mon, Jul 6, 2015 at 9:42 AM, Wu, Xu <xuwu at anl.gov> wrote:
> Hi Vijay and Iulian,
> As I understand:
> MOAB source directory is the one in which I ran the ³configure² command.
> For me it is ³/Users/xuwu/Downloads/SHARP/moab-4.8.1/³.
> MOAB installation directory is the destination of ³‹prefix=³ in the
> configuration. For me it is ³/Users/xuwu/software/sharp_deps/moab-4.8.1².
> I removed the source directory after installation, that¹s why I could not
> find the makefile.
> I installed MOAB again, and I found a makefile generated in
> ³/Users/xuwu/Downloads/SHARP/moab-4.8.1/examples², I copied it to
> ³/Users/xuwu/software/sharp_deps/moab-4.8.1/share/examples², and I can
> compile the examples now.
> Thanks for the help.
> -Xu
> On 7/6/15, 8:58 AM, "Vijay S. Mahadevan" <vijay.m at gmail.com> wrote:
>>MOAB_DIR is the installation directory and not the source directory.
>>That is why it is important to pick up the makefile from your
>>installed directory. This can be used to compile/link any sources in
>>MOAB examples folder or your own custom folder since necessary flags
>>will always be resolved.
>>1) Copy MOAB_INSTALL_DIR/examples/makefile to your examples directory
>>2) Do make HelloMOAB
>>If this fails, send us your makefile, MOAB source directory location,
>>MOAB installation directory location along with configure command.
>>On Mon, Jul 6, 2015 at 3:48 PM, Wu, Xu <xuwu at anl.gov> wrote:
>>> Thanks Iulian,
>>> I tried that before, but the headers files can not be found.
>>> And I do have MOAB_DIR as my environment variable.
>>> I attached the makefile.in in the examples folder.
>>> Thanks,
>>> -Xu
>>> [xuwu][~/software/sharp_deps/moab-4.8.0/share/examples]> make HelloMOAB
>>> mpicxx     HelloMOAB.cpp   -o HelloMOAB
>>> HelloMOAB.cpp:10:25: fatal error: moab/Core.hpp: No such file or
>>>  #include "moab/Core.hpp"
>>>                          ^
>>> compilation terminated.
>>> make: *** [HelloMOAB] Error 1
>>> [xuwu][~/software/sharp_deps/moab-4.8.0/share/examples]> make HelloMOAB
>>> MOAB_DIR=/Users/xuwu/software/sharp_deps/moab-4.8.0
>>> mpicxx     HelloMOAB.cpp   -o HelloMOAB
>>> HelloMOAB.cpp:10:25: fatal error: moab/Core.hpp: No such file or
>>>  #include "moab/Core.hpp"
>>>                          ^
>>> compilation terminated.
>>> make: *** [HelloMOAB] Error 1
>>> [xuwu][~/software/sharp_deps/moab-4.8.0/share/examples]> echo $MOAB_DIR
>>> /Users/xuwu/software/sharp_deps/moab-4.8.0
>>> From: "Grindeanu, Iulian R." <iulian at mcs.anl.gov>
>>> Date: Monday, July 6, 2015 at 8:36 AM
>>> To: Xu Wu <xuwu at anl.gov>, "moab-dev at mcs.anl.gov" <moab-dev at mcs.anl.gov>
>>> Subject: RE: MOAB error: Undefined symbols for architecture x86_64
>>> make HelloMOAB MOAB_DIR=/Users/xuwu/software/sharp_deps/moab-4.8.0

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