[MOAB-dev] exchanging both quads and edges while exchanging ghosts cells

Grindeanu, Iulian R. iulian at mcs.anl.gov
Thu Apr 17 17:10:22 CDT 2014

do you need edges or not?
what is the bug? Are edges duplicated when you ghost? can you replicate a problem in a small moab test?

Can you delete edges before writing the file?
Or when you write, write only the  hexas + quads (put in a set what you need, and write in parallel just that set)

Why can't you read in parallel after writing?

From: kanaev at ibrae.ac.ru [kanaev at ibrae.ac.ru]
Sent: Thursday, April 17, 2014 4:18 PM
To: Grindeanu, Iulian R.
Cc: MOAB dev
Subject: exchanging both quads and edges while exchanging ghosts cells

Hello Iulian,

I exchange one layer of ghost dim 3

  result = pcomm->exchange_ghost_cells(3, // int ghost_dim,

                                     0, // int bridge_dim,

                                     1, //int num_layers,

                                     2, //int addl_ents,

                                     true); // bool store_remote_handles);

then if i do:

    result = mb->get_entities_by_dimension(0, 3, ents);


      for (moab::Range::iterator it = ents.begin(); it != ents.end(); it++) {

      EntityHandle ent = *it;

      HandleVec edges;

      result = mb->get_adjacencies(&(ent), 1, 1, true, edges);


i'll have additional edges created which i don't need (because after i save file writing everything i cannot load from it in parallel afterwards)

I think i have to echange edges besides of quads during  exchange_ghost_cells but it's not an option.

How can i avoid unnecessary doubling of edges in this case?


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