[MOAB-dev] commit/MOAB: tautges: Moving TupleList class from parallel to non-parallel location, since it's now used in SpatialLocator serial version too.

commits-noreply at bitbucket.org commits-noreply at bitbucket.org
Tue Jan 7 14:58:09 CST 2014

1 new commit in MOAB:

Changeset:   1e5572f59906
Branch:      master
User:        tautges
Date:        2014-01-07 21:58:00
Summary:     Moving TupleList class from parallel to non-parallel location, since it's now used in SpatialLocator serial version too.

Mostly passes make check serial/parallel (though a few other problems appear there...)

Affected #:  6 files

diff --git a/src/Makefile.am b/src/Makefile.am
index 0d474b0..0a05543 100644
--- a/src/Makefile.am
+++ b/src/Makefile.am
@@ -124,6 +124,7 @@ libMOAB_la_SOURCES = \
   TagInfo.cpp \
   TagInfo.hpp \
   Tree.cpp \
+  TupleList.cpp \
   Types.cpp \
   TypeSequenceManager.cpp \
   TypeSequenceManager.hpp \
@@ -195,6 +196,7 @@ nobase_libMOAB_la_include_HEADERS = \
   moab/SpectralMeshTool.hpp \
   moab/Tree.hpp \
   moab/TreeStats.hpp \
+  moab/TupleList.hpp \
   moab/Types.hpp \
   moab/UnknownInterface.hpp \
   moab/Util.hpp \

diff --git a/src/TupleList.cpp b/src/TupleList.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..bf08946
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/TupleList.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,860 @@
+#include <string.h>
+#include <limits.h>
+#include <stdio.h>
+#include <stdlib.h>
+#include <stdarg.h>
+#include <iostream>
+#include "moab/TupleList.hpp"
+namespace moab {
+void fail(const char *fmt, ...)
+  va_list ap;
+  va_start(ap, fmt);
+  vfprintf(stderr, fmt, ap);
+  va_end(ap);
+  exit(1);
+TupleList::buffer::buffer(size_t sz)
+  ptr = NULL;
+  buffSize = 0;
+  this->buffer_init_(sz, __FILE__);
+  buffSize = 0;
+  ptr = NULL;
+void TupleList::buffer::buffer_init_(size_t sizeIn, const char *file)
+  this->buffSize = sizeIn;
+  void *res = malloc(this->buffSize);
+  if (!res && buffSize > 0)
+    fail("%s: allocation of %d bytes failed\n", file, (int) buffSize);
+  ptr = (char*) res;
+void TupleList::buffer::buffer_reserve_(size_t min, const char *file)
+  if (this->buffSize < min)
+  {
+    size_t newSize = this->buffSize;
+    newSize += newSize / 2 + 1;
+    if (newSize < min)
+      newSize = min;
+    void *res = realloc(ptr, newSize);
+    if (!res && newSize > 0)
+      fail("%s: allocation of %d bytes failed\n", file, (int) this->buffSize);
+    ptr = (char*) res;
+    this->buffSize = newSize;
+  }
+void TupleList::buffer::reset()
+  free(ptr);
+  ptr = NULL;
+  buffSize = 0;
+TupleList::TupleList(uint p_mi, uint p_ml, uint p_mul, uint p_mr, uint p_max)
+  vi = NULL;
+  vl = NULL;
+  vul = NULL;
+  vr = NULL;
+  initialize(p_mi, p_ml, p_mul, p_mr, p_max);
+  vi = NULL;
+  vl = NULL;
+  vul = NULL;
+  vr = NULL;
+  disableWriteAccess();
+// Allocates space for the tuple list in memory according to parameters
+void TupleList::initialize(uint p_mi, uint p_ml, uint p_mul, uint p_mr,
+    uint p_max)
+  this->n = 0;
+  this->max = p_max;
+  this->mi = p_mi;
+  this->ml = p_ml;
+  this->mul = p_mul;
+  this->mr = p_mr;
+  size_t sz;
+  if (max * mi > 0)
+  {
+    sz = max * mi * sizeof(sint);
+    void *resi = malloc(sz);
+    if (!resi && max * mi > 0)
+      fail("%s: allocation of %d bytes failed\n", __FILE__, (int) sz);
+    vi = (sint*) resi;
+  }
+  else
+    vi = NULL;
+  if (max * ml > 0)
+  {
+    sz = max * ml * sizeof(slong);
+    void *resl = malloc(sz);
+    if (!resl && max * ml > 0)
+      fail("%s: allocation of %d bytes failed\n", __FILE__, (int) sz);
+    vl = (slong*) resl;
+  }
+  else
+    vl = NULL;
+  if (max * mul > 0)
+  {
+    sz = max * mul * sizeof(ulong);
+    void *resu = malloc(sz);
+    if (!resu && max * mul > 0)
+      fail("%s: allocation of %d bytes failed\n", __FILE__, (int) sz);
+    vul = (ulong*) resu;
+  }
+  else
+    vul = NULL;
+  if (max * mr > 0)
+  {
+    sz = max * mr * sizeof(realType);
+    void *resr = malloc(sz);
+    if (!resr && max * ml > 0)
+      fail("%s: allocation of %d bytes failed\n", __FILE__, (int) sz);
+    vr = (realType*) resr;
+  }
+  else
+    vr = NULL;
+  //Begin with write access disabled
+  this->disableWriteAccess();
+  //Set read variables
+  vi_rd = vi;
+  vl_rd = vl;
+  vul_rd = vul;
+  vr_rd = vr;
+// Resizes a tuplelist to the given uint max
+ErrorCode TupleList::resize(uint maxIn)
+  this->max = maxIn;
+  size_t sz;
+  if (vi || (max * mi > 0))
+  {
+    sz = max * mi * sizeof(sint);
+    void *resi = realloc(vi, sz);
+    if (!resi && max * mi > 0)
+    {
+      fail("%s: allocation of %d bytes failed\n", __FILE__, (int) sz);
+      return moab::MB_MEMORY_ALLOCATION_FAILED;
+    }
+    vi = (sint*) resi;
+  }
+  if (vl || (max * ml > 0))
+  {
+    sz = max * ml * sizeof(slong);
+    void *resl = realloc(vl, sz);
+    if (!resl && max * ml > 0)
+    {
+      fail("%s: allocation of %d bytes failed\n", __FILE__, (int) sz);
+      return moab::MB_MEMORY_ALLOCATION_FAILED;
+    }
+    vl = (slong*) resl;
+  }
+  if (vul || (max * mul > 0))
+  {
+    sz = max * mul * sizeof(ulong);
+    void *resu = realloc(vul, sz);
+    if (!resu && max * mul > 0)
+    {
+      fail("%s: allocation of %d bytes failed\n", __FILE__, (int) sz);
+      return moab::MB_MEMORY_ALLOCATION_FAILED;
+    }
+    vul = (ulong*) resu;
+  }
+  if (vr || (max * mr > 0))
+  {
+    sz = max * mr * sizeof(realType);
+    void *resr = realloc(vr, sz);
+    if (!resr && max * mr > 0)
+    {
+      fail("%s: allocation of %d bytes failed\n", __FILE__, (int) sz);
+      return moab::MB_MEMORY_ALLOCATION_FAILED;
+    }
+    vr = (realType*) resr;
+  }
+  //Set read variables
+  vi_rd = vi;
+  vl_rd = vl;
+  vul_rd = vul;
+  vr_rd = vr;
+  //Set the write variables if necessary
+  if (writeEnabled)
+  {
+    vi_wr = vi;
+    vl_wr = vl;
+    vul_wr = vul;
+    vr_wr = vr;
+  }
+  return moab::MB_SUCCESS;
+// Frees the memory used by the tuplelist
+void TupleList::reset()
+  //free up the pointers
+  free(vi);
+  free(vl);
+  free(vul);
+  free(vr);
+  //Set them all to null
+  vr = NULL;
+  vi = NULL;
+  vul = NULL;
+  vl = NULL;
+  //Set the read and write pointers to null
+  disableWriteAccess();
+  vi_rd = NULL;
+  vl_rd = NULL;
+  vul_rd = NULL;
+  vr_rd = NULL;
+// Increments n; if n>max, increase the size of the tuplelist
+void TupleList::reserve()
+  n++;
+  while (n > max)
+    resize((max ? max + max / 2 + 1 : 2));
+  last_sorted = -1;
+// Given the value and the position in the field, finds the index of the tuple
+// to which the value belongs
+int TupleList::find(unsigned int key_num, sint value)
+  ulong uvalue = (ulong) value;
+  if (!(key_num > mi))
+  {
+    // Binary search: only if the tuple_list is sorted
+    if (last_sorted == (int) key_num)
+    {
+      int lb = 0, ub = n, index; // lb=lower bound, ub=upper bound, index=mid
+      for (; lb <= ub;)
+      {
+        index = (lb + ub) / 2;
+        if (vi[index * mi + key_num] == (long) uvalue)
+          return index;
+        else if (vi[index * mi + key_num] > (long) uvalue)
+          ub = index - 1;
+        else if (vi[index * mi + key_num] < (long) uvalue)
+          lb = index + 1;
+      }
+    }
+    else
+    {
+      // Sequential search: if tuple_list is not sorted
+      for (long index = 0; index < n; index++)
+      {
+        if (vi[index * mi + key_num] == (long) uvalue)
+          return index;
+      }
+    }
+  }
+  return -1; // If the value wasn't present or an invalid key was given
+int TupleList::find(unsigned int key_num, slong value)
+  ulong uvalue = (ulong) value;
+  if (!(key_num > ml))
+  {
+    if (last_sorted - mi == key_num)
+    {
+      int lb = 0, ub = n, index; // lb=lower bound, ub=upper bound, index=mid
+      for (; lb <= ub;)
+      {
+        index = (lb + ub) / 2;
+        if (vl[index * ml + key_num] == (long) uvalue)
+          return index;
+        else if (vl[index * ml + key_num] > (long) uvalue)
+          ub = index - 1;
+        else if (vl[index * ml + key_num] < (long) uvalue)
+          lb = index + 1;
+      }
+    }
+    else
+    {
+      // Sequential search: if tuple_list is not sorted
+      for (uint index = 0; index < n; index++)
+      {
+        if (vl[index * ml + key_num] == (long) uvalue)
+          return index;
+      }
+    }
+  }
+  return -1; // If the value wasn't present or an invalid key was given
+int TupleList::find(unsigned int key_num, ulong value)
+  if (!(key_num > mul))
+  {
+    if (last_sorted - mi - ml == key_num)
+    {
+      int lb = 0, ub = n - 1, index; // lb=lower bound, ub=upper bound, index=mid
+      for (; lb <= ub;)
+      {
+        index = (lb + ub) / 2;
+        if (vul[index * mul + key_num] == value)
+          return index;
+        else if (vul[index * mul + key_num] > value)
+          ub = index - 1;
+        else if (vul[index * mul + key_num] < value)
+          lb = index + 1;
+      }
+    }
+    else
+    {
+      // Sequential search: if tuple_list is not sorted
+      for (uint index = 0; index < n; index++)
+      {
+        if (vul[index * mul + key_num] == value)
+          return index;
+      }
+    }
+  }
+  return -1; // If the value wasn't present or an invalid key was given
+int TupleList::find(unsigned int key_num, realType value)
+  if (!key_num > mr)
+  {
+    // Sequential search: TupleList cannot be sorted by reals
+    for (uint index = 0; index < n; index++)
+    {
+      if (vr[index * mr + key_num] == value)
+        return index;
+    }
+  }
+  return -1; // If the value wasn't present or an invalid key was given
+sint TupleList::get_sint(unsigned int index, unsigned int m)
+  if (mi > m && n > index)
+    return vi[index * mi + m];
+  return 0;
+slong TupleList::get_int(unsigned int index, unsigned int m)
+  if (ml > m && n > index)
+    return vl[index * ml + m];
+  return 0;
+ulong TupleList::get_ulong(unsigned int index, unsigned int m)
+  if (mul > m && n > index)
+    return vul[index * mul + m];
+  return 0;
+realType TupleList::get_double(unsigned int index, unsigned int m)
+  if (mr > m && n > index)
+    return vr[index * mr + m];
+  return 0;
+ErrorCode TupleList::get(unsigned int index, const sint *&sp, const slong *&ip,
+    const ulong *&lp, const realType *&dp)
+  if (index <= n)
+  {
+    if (mi)
+      *&sp = &vi[index * mi];
+    else
+      *&sp = NULL;
+    if (ml)
+      *&ip = &vl[index * ml];
+    else
+      *&ip = NULL;
+    if (mul)
+      *&lp = &vul[index * mul];
+    else
+      *&lp = NULL;
+    if (mr)
+      *&dp = &vr[index * mr];
+    else
+      *&dp = NULL;
+    return MB_SUCCESS;
+  }
+  return MB_FAILURE;
+unsigned int TupleList::push_back(sint *sp, slong *ip, ulong *lp, realType *dp)
+  reserve();
+  if (mi)
+    memcpy(&vi[mi * (n - 1)], sp, mi * sizeof(sint));
+  if (ml)
+    memcpy(&vl[ml * (n - 1)], ip, ml * sizeof(long));
+  if (mul)
+    memcpy(&vul[mul * (n - 1)], lp, mul * sizeof(ulong));
+  if (mr)
+    memcpy(&vr[mr * (n - 1)], dp, mr * sizeof(realType));
+  last_sorted = -1;
+  return n - 1;
+void TupleList::enableWriteAccess()
+  writeEnabled = true;
+  last_sorted = -1;
+  vi_wr = vi;
+  vl_wr = vl;
+  vul_wr = vul;
+  vr_wr = vr;
+void TupleList::disableWriteAccess()
+  writeEnabled = false;
+  vi_wr = NULL;
+  vl_wr = NULL;
+  vul_wr = NULL;
+  vr_wr = NULL;
+void TupleList::getTupleSize(uint &mi_out, uint &ml_out, uint &mul_out,
+    uint &mr_out) const
+  mi_out = mi;
+  ml_out = ml;
+  mul_out = mul;
+  mr_out = mr;
+uint TupleList::inc_n()
+  //Check for direct write access
+  if (!writeEnabled)
+  {
+    enableWriteAccess();
+  }
+  n++;
+  return n;
+void TupleList::set_n(uint n_in)
+  //Check for direct write access;
+  if (!writeEnabled)
+  {
+    enableWriteAccess();
+  }
+  n = n_in;
+void TupleList::print(const char *name) const
+  std::cout << "Printing Tuple " << name << "===================" << std::endl;
+  unsigned long i = 0, l = 0, ul = 0, r = 0;
+  for (uint k = 0; k < n; k++)
+  {
+    for (uint j = 0; j < mi; j++)
+    {
+      std::cout << vi[i++] << " | ";
+    }
+    for (uint j = 0; j < ml; j++)
+    {
+      std::cout << vl[l++] << " | ";
+    }
+    for (uint j = 0; j < mul; j++)
+    {
+      std::cout << vul[ul++] << " | ";
+    }
+    for (uint j = 0; j < mr; j++)
+    {
+      std::cout << vr[r++] << " | ";
+    }
+    std::cout << std::endl;
+  }
+  std::cout << "=======================================" << std::endl
+      << std::endl;
+void TupleList::permute(uint *perm, void *work)
+  const unsigned int_size = mi * sizeof(sint), long_size = ml * sizeof(slong),
+      ulong_size = mul * sizeof(ulong), real_size = mr * sizeof(realType);
+  if (mi)
+  {
+    uint *p = perm, *pe = p + n;
+    char *sorted = (char *) work;
+    while (p != pe)
+      memcpy((void *) sorted, &vi[mi * (*p++)], int_size), sorted += int_size;
+    memcpy(vi, work, int_size * n);
+  }
+  if (ml)
+  {
+    uint *p = perm, *pe = p + n;
+    char *sorted = (char *) work;
+    while (p != pe)
+      memcpy((void *) sorted, &vl[ml * (*p++)], long_size), sorted += long_size;
+    memcpy(vl, work, long_size * n);
+  }
+  if (mul)
+  {
+    uint *p = perm, *pe = p + n;
+    char *sorted = (char *) work;
+    while (p != pe)
+      memcpy((void *) sorted, &vul[mul * (*p++)], ulong_size), sorted +=
+          ulong_size;
+    memcpy(vul, work, ulong_size * n);
+  }
+  if (mr)
+  {
+    uint *p = perm, *pe = p + n;
+    char *sorted = (char *) work;
+    while (p != pe)
+      memcpy((void *) sorted, &vr[mr * (*p++)], real_size), sorted += real_size;
+    memcpy(vr, work, real_size * n);
+  }
+# define umax_2(a, b) (((a)>(b)) ? (a):(b))
+ErrorCode TupleList::sort(uint key, TupleList::buffer *buf)
+  const unsigned int_size = mi * sizeof(sint);
+  const unsigned long_size = ml * sizeof(slong);
+  const unsigned ulong_size = mul * sizeof(ulong);
+  const unsigned real_size = mr * sizeof(realType);
+  const unsigned width = umax_2(umax_2(int_size,long_size),
+      umax_2(ulong_size,real_size));
+  const unsigned data_size =
+      key >= mi ? sizeof(SortData<long> ) : sizeof(SortData<uint> );
+  uint work_min = n * umax_2(2*data_size,sizeof(sint)+width);
+  uint *work;
+  buf->buffer_reserve(work_min);
+  work = (uint *) buf->ptr;
+  if (key < mi)
+    index_sort((uint *) &vi[key], n, mi, work, (SortData<uint>*) work);
+  else if (key < mi + ml)
+    index_sort((long*) &vl[key - mi], n, ml, work, (SortData<long>*) work);
+  else if (key < mi + ml + mul)
+    index_sort((ulong*) &vul[key - mi - ml], n, mul, work,
+        (SortData<ulong>*) work);
+  else
+  permute(work, work + n);
+  if (!writeEnabled)
+    last_sorted = key;
+  return MB_SUCCESS;
+#undef umax_2
+#define DIGIT_BITS   8
+#define DIGIT_MASK   ((Value)(DIGIT_VALUES-1))
+#define CEILDIV(a,b) (((a)+(b)-1)/(b))
+#define DIGITS       CEILDIV(CHAR_BIT*sizeof(Value),DIGIT_BITS)
+/* used to unroll a tiny loop: */
+#define COUNT_DIGIT_01(n,i) \
+    if(n>i) count[i][val&DIGIT_MASK]++, val>>=DIGIT_BITS
+#define COUNT_DIGIT_02(n,i) COUNT_DIGIT_01(n,i); COUNT_DIGIT_01(n,i+ 1)
+#define COUNT_DIGIT_04(n,i) COUNT_DIGIT_02(n,i); COUNT_DIGIT_02(n,i+ 2)
+#define COUNT_DIGIT_08(n,i) COUNT_DIGIT_04(n,i); COUNT_DIGIT_04(n,i+ 4)
+#define COUNT_DIGIT_16(n,i) COUNT_DIGIT_08(n,i); COUNT_DIGIT_08(n,i+ 8)
+#define COUNT_DIGIT_32(n,i) COUNT_DIGIT_16(n,i); COUNT_DIGIT_16(n,i+16)
+#define COUNT_DIGIT_64(n,i) COUNT_DIGIT_32(n,i); COUNT_DIGIT_32(n,i+32)
+template<class Value>
+Value TupleList::radix_count(const Value *A, const Value *end, Index stride,
+    Index count[DIGITS][DIGIT_VALUES])
+  Value bitorkey = 0;
+  memset(count, 0, COUNT_SIZE * sizeof(Index));
+  do
+  {
+    Value val = *A;
+    bitorkey |= val;
+    // above macro expands to:
+    //if(DIGITS> 0) count[ 0][val&DIGIT_MASK]++, val>>=DIGIT_BITS;
+    //if(DIGITS> 1) count[ 1][val&DIGIT_MASK]++, val>>=DIGIT_BITS;
+    //  ...
+    //if(DIGITS>63) count[63][val&DIGIT_MASK]++, val>>=DIGIT_BITS;
+  } while (A += stride, A != end);
+  return bitorkey;
+#undef COUNT_DIGIT_01
+#undef COUNT_DIGIT_02
+#undef COUNT_DIGIT_04
+#undef COUNT_DIGIT_08
+#undef COUNT_DIGIT_16
+#undef COUNT_DIGIT_32
+#undef COUNT_DIGIT_64
+void TupleList::radix_offsets(Index *c)
+  Index sum = 0, t, *ce = c + DIGIT_VALUES;
+  do
+    t = *c, *c++ = sum, sum += t;
+  while (c != ce);
+template<class Value>
+unsigned TupleList::radix_zeros(Value bitorkey,
+    Index count[DIGITS][DIGIT_VALUES], unsigned *shift, Index **offsets)
+  unsigned digits = 0, sh = 0;
+  Index *c = &count[0][0];
+  do
+  {
+    if (bitorkey & DIGIT_MASK)
+      *shift++ = sh, *offsets++ = c, ++digits, radix_offsets(c);
+  } while (bitorkey >>= DIGIT_BITS,sh += DIGIT_BITS,c += DIGIT_VALUES,sh
+      != VALUE_BITS);
+  return digits;
+template<class Value>
+void TupleList::radix_index_pass_b(const Value *A, Index n, Index stride,
+    unsigned sh, Index *off, SortData<Value> *out)
+  Index i = 0;
+  do
+  {
+    Value v = *A;
+    SortData<Value> *d = &out[off[(v >> sh) & DIGIT_MASK]++];
+    d->v = v, d->i = i++;
+  } while (A += stride, i != n);
+template<class Value>
+void TupleList::radix_index_pass_m(const SortData<Value> *src,
+    const SortData<Value> *end, unsigned sh, Index *off, SortData<Value> *out)
+  do
+  {
+    SortData<Value> *d = &out[off[(src->v >> sh) & DIGIT_MASK]++];
+    d->v = src->v, d->i = src->i;
+  } while (++src != end);
+template<class Value>
+void TupleList::radix_index_pass_e(const SortData<Value> *src,
+    const SortData<Value> *end, unsigned sh, Index *off, Index *out)
+  do
+    out[off[(src->v >> sh) & DIGIT_MASK]++] = src->i;
+  while (++src != end);
+template<class Value>
+void TupleList::radix_index_pass_be(const Value *A, Index n, Index stride,
+    unsigned sh, Index *off, Index *out)
+  Index i = 0;
+  do
+    out[off[(*A >> sh) & DIGIT_MASK]++] = i++;
+  while (A += stride, i != n);
+template<class Value>
+void TupleList::radix_index_sort(const Value *A, Index n, Index stride,
+    Index *idx, SortData<Value> *work)
+  Index count[DIGITS][DIGIT_VALUES];
+  Value bitorkey = radix_count(A, A + n * stride, stride, count);
+  unsigned shift[DIGITS];
+  Index *offsets[DIGITS];
+  unsigned digits = radix_zeros(bitorkey, count, shift, offsets);
+  if (digits == 0)
+  {
+    Index i = 0;
+    do
+      *idx++ = i++;
+    while (i != n);
+  }
+  else if (digits == 1)
+  {
+    radix_index_pass_be(A, n, stride, shift[0], offsets[0], idx);
+  }
+  else
+  {
+    SortData<Value> *src, *dst;
+    unsigned d;
+    if ((digits & 1) == 0)
+      dst = work, src = dst + n;
+    else
+      src = work, dst = src + n;
+    radix_index_pass_b(A, n, stride, shift[0], offsets[0], src);
+    for (d = 1; d != digits - 1; ++d)
+    {
+      SortData<Value> *t;
+      radix_index_pass_m(src, src + n, shift[d], offsets[d], dst);
+      t = src, src = dst, dst = t;
+    }
+    radix_index_pass_e(src, src + n, shift[d], offsets[d], idx);
+  }
+template<class Value>
+void TupleList::merge_index_sort(const Value *A, const Index An, Index stride,
+    Index *idx, SortData<Value> *work)
+  SortData<Value> * const buf[2] = { work + An, work };
+  Index n = An, base = -n, odd = 0, c = 0, b = 1;
+  Index i = 0;
+  for (;;)
+  {
+    SortData<Value> *p;
+    if ((c & 1) == 0)
+    {
+      base += n, n += (odd & 1), c |= 1, b ^= 1;
+      while (n > 3)
+        odd <<= 1, odd |= (n & 1), n >>= 1, c <<= 1, b ^= 1;
+    }
+    else
+      base -= n - (odd & 1), n <<= 1, n -= (odd & 1), odd >>= 1, c >>= 1;
+    if (c == 0)
+      break;
+    p = buf[b] + base;
+    if (n == 2)
+    {
+      Value v[2];
+      v[0] = *A, A += stride, v[1] = *A, A += stride;
+      if (v[1] < v[0])
+        p[0].v = v[1], p[0].i = i + 1, p[1].v = v[0], p[1].i = i;
+      else
+        p[0].v = v[0], p[0].i = i, p[1].v = v[1], p[1].i = i + 1;
+      i += 2;
+    }
+    else if (n == 3)
+    {
+      Value v[3];
+      v[0] = *A, A += stride, v[1] = *A, A += stride, v[2] = *A, A += stride;
+      if (v[1] < v[0])
+      {
+        if (v[2] < v[1])
+          p[0].v = v[2], p[1].v = v[1], p[2].v = v[0], p[0].i = i + 2, p[1].i =
+              i + 1, p[2].i = i;
+        else
+        {
+          if (v[2] < v[0])
+            p[0].v = v[1], p[1].v = v[2], p[2].v = v[0], p[0].i = i + 1, p[1].i =
+                i + 2, p[2].i = i;
+          else
+            p[0].v = v[1], p[1].v = v[0], p[2].v = v[2], p[0].i = i + 1, p[1].i =
+                i, p[2].i = i + 2;
+        }
+      }
+      else
+      {
+        if (v[2] < v[0])
+          p[0].v = v[2], p[1].v = v[0], p[2].v = v[1], p[0].i = i + 2, p[1].i =
+              i, p[2].i = i + 1;
+        else
+        {
+          if (v[2] < v[1])
+            p[0].v = v[0], p[1].v = v[2], p[2].v = v[1], p[0].i = i, p[1].i = i
+                + 2, p[2].i = i + 1;
+          else
+            p[0].v = v[0], p[1].v = v[1], p[2].v = v[2], p[0].i = i, p[1].i = i
+                + 1, p[2].i = i + 2;
+        }
+      }
+      i += 3;
+    }
+    else
+    {
+      const Index na = n >> 1, nb = (n + 1) >> 1;
+      const SortData<Value> *ap = buf[b ^ 1] + base, *ae = ap + na;
+      SortData<Value> *bp = p + na, *be = bp + nb;
+      for (;;)
+      {
+        if (bp->v < ap->v)
+        {
+          *p++ = *bp++;
+          if (bp != be)
+            continue;
+          do
+            *p++ = *ap++;
+          while (ap != ae);
+          break;
+        }
+        else
+        {
+          *p++ = *ap++;
+          if (ap == ae)
+            break;
+        }
+      }
+    }
+  }
+  {
+    const SortData<Value> *p = buf[0], *pe = p + An;
+    do
+      *idx++ = (p++)->i;
+    while (p != pe);
+  }
+template<class Value>
+void TupleList::index_sort(const Value *A, Index n, Index stride, Index *idx,
+    SortData<Value> *work)
+  if (n < DIGIT_VALUES)
+  {
+    if (n == 0)
+      return;
+    if (n == 1)
+      *idx = 0;
+    else
+      merge_index_sort(A, n, stride, idx, work);
+  }
+  else
+    radix_index_sort(A, n, stride, idx, work);
+#undef DIGIT_BITS
+#undef DIGIT_MASK
+#undef CEILDIV
+#undef DIGITS
+#undef VALUE_BITS
+#undef COUNT_SIZE
+#undef sort_data_long
+} //namespace

diff --git a/src/moab/TupleList.hpp b/src/moab/TupleList.hpp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..8cbd388
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/moab/TupleList.hpp
@@ -0,0 +1,413 @@
+  Tuple list definition and utilities
+  Conceptually, a tuple list is a list of n records or tuples,
+  each with mi integers, ml longs, mul ulongs, and mr reals
+  (these types are defined in "types.h" as sint, slong, sulong, real;
+  it may be that sint==slong)
+  There are four arrays, one for each type (vi,vl,vul,vr),
+  with records layed out contiguously within each array
+  -----------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
+#include <limits.h>
+#include <stdlib.h>
+#include "moab/Types.hpp"
+#include <string>
+/* Integral types defined here to ensure variable type sizes are consistent */
+/* integer type to use for everything */
+#if   defined(USE_LONG)
+#  define INTEGER long
+#elif defined(USE_LONG_LONG)
+#  define INTEGER long long
+#elif defined(USE_SHORT)
+#  define INTEGER short
+#  define INTEGER int
+/* when defined, use the given type for global indices instead of INTEGER */
+#if   defined(USE_GLOBAL_LONG_LONG)
+#  define GLOBAL_INT long long
+#elif defined(USE_GLOBAL_LONG)
+#  define GLOBAL_INT long
+#  define GLOBAL_INT long
+/* floating point type to use for everything */
+#if   defined(USE_FLOAT)
+typedef float realType;
+#  define floorr floorf
+#  define ceilr  ceilf
+#  define sqrtr  sqrtf
+#  define fabsr  fabsf
+#  define cosr   cosf
+#  define sinr   sinf
+#  define EPS   (128*FLT_EPSILON)
+#  define PI 3.1415926535897932384626433832795028841971693993751058209749445923F
+#elif defined(USE_LONG_DOUBLE)
+typedef long double realType;
+#  define floorr floorl
+#  define ceilr  ceill
+#  define sqrtr  sqrtl
+#  define fabsr  fabsl
+#  define cosr   cosl
+#  define sinr   sinl
+#  define EPS   (128*LDBL_EPSILON)
+#  define PI 3.1415926535897932384626433832795028841971693993751058209749445923L
+typedef double realType;
+#  define floorr floor
+#  define ceilr  ceil
+#  define sqrtr  sqrt
+#  define fabsr  fabs
+#  define cosr   cos
+#  define sinr   sin
+#  define EPS   (128*DBL_EPSILON)
+#  define PI 3.1415926535897932384626433832795028841971693993751058209749445923
+/* apparently uint and ulong can be defined already in standard headers */
+#define uint uint_
+#define ulong ulong_
+#define sint sint_
+#define slong slong_
+typedef   signed INTEGER sint;
+typedef unsigned INTEGER uint;
+#undef INTEGER
+#ifdef GLOBAL_INT
+typedef   signed GLOBAL_INT slong;
+typedef unsigned GLOBAL_INT ulong;
+typedef sint slong;
+typedef uint ulong;
+namespace moab 
+  void fail(const char *fmt, ...);
+  class TupleList
+  {
+  public:
+    /*---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+      buffer: a simple class which can be used to store data
+      The ptr points to the chunk of memory allocated for the buffer's use.  The 
+      size denotes the size of the allocated memory; the user must take care to 
+      note how much of the buffer they are using.
+      ---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
+    class buffer
+    {
+    public:
+      size_t buffSize;
+      char *ptr;
+      /**Constructor which sets an initial capacity of the buffer
+       */
+      buffer(size_t sz);
+      /**Default constructor (Note:  buffer must be initialized before use!)
+       */
+      buffer();
+      ~buffer () { this->reset(); };
+      /**Initializes the buffer to have a capacity of size
+       */
+      void buffer_init_(size_t sz, const char *file);
+      /**Ensures that the buffer has at least a capacity of min
+       */
+      void buffer_reserve_(size_t min, const char *file);
+      /**Frees any allocated memory used by the buffer
+       */
+      void reset ();
+      //Aliases for using the buffer methods
+#define buffer_init(sz) buffer_init_(sz,__FILE__)
+#define buffer_reserve(min) buffer_reserve_(min,__FILE__)
+    };
+  public:
+    /**Constructor that takes all parameters and initializes the TupleList
+     */
+    TupleList(uint mi, uint ml,
+	      uint mul, uint mr, uint max);
+    /**Default constructor (Note:  TupleList must be initialized before use!)
+     */
+    TupleList();
+    ~TupleList() { reset(); };
+    /**Initializes the starting memory to be used by the TupleList
+     * Note:  TupleLists must be initialized before they can be used
+     *
+     * param mi   number of signed ints in each tuple
+     * param ml   number of long ints in each tuple
+     * param mul  number of unsigned long ints in each tuple
+     * param mr   number of reals in each tuple
+     * param max  starting capacity of max tuples in the TupleList
+     */
+    void initialize(uint mi, uint ml,
+		    uint mul, uint mr, uint max);
+    /**Resizes the TupleList to a new max
+     *
+     * param max   the new max capacity of the TupleList
+     */
+    ErrorCode resize(uint max);
+    /**Sorts the TupleList by 'key'
+     * if key<mi:  key represents the key'th index in vi
+     * if mi<key<ml:  key represents the (key-mi)'th index in vl
+     * if ml<key<mul:  key represents the (key-mi-ml)'th index in vul
+     *
+     * param key   index to be sorted by
+     * param *buf  buffer space used for sorting
+     */
+    /*------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+      Hybrid Stable Sort
+      low-overhead merge sort when n is small,
+      otherwise asymptotically superior radix sort
+      result = O(n) sort with good performance for all n
+      A, n, stride : specifices the input
+      sort:
+      uint out[n] : the sorted values (output)
+      uint work[n]: scratch area
+      index_sort:
+      uint idx[n]  : the sorted indices (output)
+      sort_data work[2*n]: scratch area
+      ----------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
+    ErrorCode sort(uint key, TupleList::buffer *buf);
+    /**Frees all allocated memory in use by the TupleList
+     */
+    void reset();
+    /**Adds one to the total number of in-use tuples and resizes if necessary
+     */
+    void reserve();
+    /**Finds index of the tuple containing 'value' at the key_numth index of 
+     * said tuple; return -1 if key_num is out of bounds or if 'value' not found
+     * Uses binary search if TupleList is sorted by the key_numth field, seqential
+     * otherwise (very slow for large TupleLists; please sort before you search)
+     *
+     * param key_num   index of the tuple where to search for value
+     * param value     value to search for at the given key_num
+     * return the index of the tuple that contains value
+     */
+    int find(unsigned int key_num, sint value);
+    int find(unsigned int key_num, slong value);
+    int find(unsigned int key_num, ulong value);
+    int find(unsigned int key_num, realType value);
+    /**get the mth number of return type in the index'th tuple
+     * returns 0 if m or index is out of bounds
+     *
+     * param index     index of the tuple within the TupleList
+     * param m         index of the value within the tuple
+     * return the value at the given position
+     */
+    sint get_sint(unsigned int index, unsigned int m);
+    slong get_int(unsigned int index, unsigned int m);
+    ulong get_ulong(unsigned int index, unsigned int m);
+    realType get_double(unsigned int index, unsigned int m);
+    /**get pointers to the data for the index'th tuple; ptr is
+     * NULL if that type is not part of this tuple
+     *
+     * param index     index of the tuple needed
+     * param *&sp, *&ip, *&lp, *&dp   pointers to each piece of the tuple
+     */
+    ErrorCode get(unsigned int index, const sint *&sp, 
+		  const slong *&ip, const ulong *&lp, const realType *&dp);
+    /**push back a new tuple on the TupleList;
+     *
+     * param *sp   pointer to a list of signed ints
+     * param *ip   pointer to a list of signed longs
+     * param *lp   pointer to a list of unsigned longs
+     * param *dp   pointer to a list of reals
+     * return index of that tuple
+     */
+    unsigned int push_back(sint *sp, slong *ip,
+			   ulong *lp, realType *dp);
+    /*Enable or disable direct write access to arrays
+      This is important so that we know whether or not
+      the user of this class can directly modify data
+      which can affect operations such as
+      whether or not we know the tuple list is sorted
+      (for a binary search)*/
+    void enableWriteAccess();
+    void disableWriteAccess();
+    /*Get information on the Tuple Sizes
+     * param &mi_out  Count of uints in a tuple
+     * param &ml_out  Count of uints in a tuple
+     * param &mul_out Count of uints in a tuple
+     * param &mr_out  Count of uints in a tuple
+     */
+    void getTupleSize(uint &mi_out, uint &ml_out, 
+		      uint &mul_out, uint &mr_out) const;
+    /*Set the count of Tuples in the Tuple List
+     * Warning, automatically calls enableWriteAccess()
+     * param n_in     New count of Tuples
+     */
+    void set_n(uint n_in);
+    /* Get the count of Tuples in the Tuple List */
+    uint get_n() const;
+    /*Get the maximum number of Tuples currently allocated for*/
+    uint get_max() const;
+    bool get_writeEnabled() const;
+    /*Increment n by 1
+     * Warning, automatically calls enableWriteAccess()
+     * returns current TupleList.n after the increment */
+    uint inc_n();
+    void print(const char *) const;
+    //Variables to allow for direct write access
+    sint *vi_wr; slong *vl_wr; ulong *vul_wr; realType *vr_wr;
+    //Variables to allow for direct read access
+    const sint *vi_rd; slong *vl_rd; ulong *vul_rd; realType *vr_rd;
+  private:
+    /* storage layed out as: vi[max][mi], vl[max][ml], vul[max][mul], 
+     * vr[max][mr] where "tuple" i is given by 
+     * (vi[i][0:mi-1],vl[i][0:ml-1],vul[i][0:mul-1],vr[i][0:mr-1]).
+     * only the first n tuples are in use */
+    uint mi,ml,mul,mr;
+    uint n, max;
+    sint *vi; slong *vl; ulong *vul; realType *vr;
+    // Used by sort:  see .cpp for more details
+    //void sort_bits(uint *work, uint key);
+    void permute(uint *perm, void *work);
+    /* last_sorted = the last sorted position in the tuple (if the
+     * TupleList has not been sorted, or has become unsorted--i.e.
+     * by adding a tuple--last_sorted = -1) */
+    int last_sorted;
+    //Whether or not the object is currently allowing direct
+    //write access to the arrays
+    bool writeEnabled;
+    typedef uint Index;
+    template <typename Value>
+    struct SortData {Value v; Index i;};
+#define DIGIT_BITS   8
+#define DIGIT_MASK   ((Value)(DIGIT_VALUES-1))
+#define CEILDIV(a,b) (((a)+(b)-1)/(b))
+#define DIGITS       CEILDIV(CHAR_BIT*sizeof(Value),DIGIT_BITS)
+    template<class Value> 
+    static Value radix_count(const Value *A, const Value *end, Index stride,
+			     Index count[DIGITS][DIGIT_VALUES]);
+    static void radix_offsets(Index *c);
+    template<class Value>
+    static unsigned radix_zeros(Value bitorkey, Index count[DIGITS][DIGIT_VALUES],
+				unsigned *shift, Index **offsets);
+    template<class Value> 
+    static void radix_index_pass_b(const Value *A, Index n, Index stride,
+				   unsigned sh, Index *off, SortData<Value> *out);
+    template<class Value>     
+    static void radix_index_pass_m(const SortData<Value> *src, const SortData<Value> *end,
+				   unsigned sh, Index *off, SortData<Value> *out);
+    template<class Value> 
+    static void radix_index_pass_e(const SortData<Value> *src, const SortData<Value> *end,
+				   unsigned sh, Index *off, Index *out);
+    template<class Value>
+    static void radix_index_pass_be(const Value *A, Index n, Index stride,
+				    unsigned sh, Index *off, Index *out);
+    /*------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+      Radix Sort
+      stable; O(n) time
+      ----------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
+    template<class Value>
+    static void radix_index_sort(const Value *A, Index n, Index stride,
+				 Index *idx, SortData<Value> *work);
+    /*------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+      Merge Sort
+      stable; O(n log n) time
+      ----------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
+    template<class Value>
+    static void merge_index_sort(const Value *A, const Index An, Index stride,
+				 Index *idx, SortData<Value> *work);
+    template<class Value>
+    static void index_sort(const Value *A, Index n, Index stride,
+			   Index *idx, SortData<Value> *work);
+#undef DIGIT_BITS
+#undef DIGIT_MASK
+#undef CEILDIV
+#undef DIGITS
+#undef VALUE_BITS
+#undef COUNT_SIZE
+  };
+  inline uint TupleList::get_max() const{ return max; }
+  inline uint TupleList::get_n() const{ return n; }
+  inline bool TupleList::get_writeEnabled() const{ return writeEnabled; }
+} //namespace
+#include <stdlib.h>

diff --git a/src/parallel/Makefile.am b/src/parallel/Makefile.am
index 2718263..b80b85e 100644
--- a/src/parallel/Makefile.am
+++ b/src/parallel/Makefile.am
@@ -34,8 +34,7 @@ if PARALLEL
      ReadParallel.hpp \
      SharedSetData.cpp \
      SharedSetData.hpp \
-     gs.cpp \
-     TupleList.cpp
+     gs.cpp
 # The list of header files which are to be installed
@@ -47,8 +46,7 @@ if PARALLEL
      moab/ParallelMergeMesh.hpp \
      moab/ProcConfig.hpp \
      moab/ParallelData.hpp \
-     MBParallelConventions.h \
-     moab/TupleList.hpp
+     MBParallelConventions.h
 #  libMOABpar_la_LIBADD = $(top_builddir)/mhdf/libmhdf.la

This diff is so big that we needed to truncate the remainder.

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