[MOAB-dev] adding 'read and broadcast' to HDF5 reader

Rob Latham robl at mcs.anl.gov
Fri Oct 19 15:01:03 CDT 2012

Tim knows all this but for the rest of the list, here's the short story:

MOAB's HDF5 reader and writer have a problem on BlueGene where it will
collectively read in initial conditions or write output, and run out
of memory.  This out-of-memory condition comes from MOAB doing all the
right things -- using HDF5, using collective I/O -- but the MPI-IO
library on Intrepid goes and consumes too much memory.

I've got one approach to deal with the MPI-IO memory issue for writes.
This approach would sort of work for the reads, but what is really
needed is for rank 0 to do the read and broadcast the result to

So, I'm looking for a little help understanding MOAB's read side of
the code.  Conceptually, all processes read the table of entities. 

A fairly small 'mbconvert' job will run out of memory: 

512 nodes, 2048 processors:

CORES=$(($NODES * 4))
cd /intrepid-fs0/users/robl/scratch/moab-test

cqsub -t 15 -m vn -p SSSPP -e MPIRUN_LABEL=1:BG_COREDUMPONEXIT=1 \
        -n $NODES -c  $CORES /home/robl/src/moab-svn/build/tools/mbconvert\
        -o CPUTIME -o PARALLEL=WRITE_PART /intrepid-fs0/users/tautges/persistent/meshes/2bricks/nogeom/64bricks_8mtet_ng_rib_${CORES}.h5m \

I'm kind of stumbling around  ReadHDF5::load_file and
ReadHDF5::load_file_partial trying to find a spot where a collection
of tags are read into memory.  I'd like to, instead of having all
processors do the read, have just one processor read and then send the
tag data to the other processors.

First, do I remember the basic MOAB concept correctly: that early on
every process reads the exact same tables out of the (in this case
HDF5) file?  

If I want rank 0 to do all the work and send data to other ranks,
where's the best place to slip that in?  It's been a while since I did
anything non-trivial in C++, so some of these data structures are kind
of greek to me.


Rob Latham
Mathematics and Computer Science Division
Argonne National Lab, IL USA

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