[MOAB-dev] CGM RefGroups with multiple names

Steve Jackson sjackson at cae.wisc.edu
Thu Jun 7 17:21:44 CDT 2012

MOAB's ReadCGM utility has complicated logic to account for the possibility that a CGM RefGroup may have multiple names.  If  get_refentity_name( group, ... ) produces a list of more than length one, then additional names tags are created, with the prefix EXTRA[N][name], where [N] is an integer.  I

'm wondering how often this occurs in practice:

1) Is it possible to set up a group with multiple names in CUBIT?  (I.e. a group which will appear to have multiple names when read by ReadCGM.)
2) Is it possible to set up a RefGroup with multiple names directly in CGM?
3) Has anyone ever encountered a CAD file with a multiply-named group?  Is this practice common / uncommon / unprecedented?

I'm asking because I'm wondering if DagMC, which interacts with group names as they are imported by ReadCGM, can safely ignore all a group's name except the first.  (Currently, we already ignore all names but the first.  But DagMC goes through the extra work of collecting all names before discarding all except the first.  If there's no good reason to do this extra work, I'd prefer to remove it.)

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