[MOAB-dev] Faceting tolerances in OCC

Steve Jackson sjackson at cae.wisc.edu
Thu Dec 8 11:41:22 CST 2011

I am interested in two functions in CGM's OCCQueryEngine: get_graphics( Surface* ... ), and get_graphics( Curve* ... ).  Both these functions take faceting tolerances as arguments, and then silently ignore them.  

This becomes confusing for users who convert CAD geometries to Moab meshes (e.g. using dag-mcnp5, dagmc_preproc, or mbconvert).  When OCC is the CGM backend for a client of Moab's ReadCGM, all faceting tolerances are silently ignored.  This behavior should be documented, at minimum; it may also be helpful if ReadCGM issues a warning that faceting tolerances are being ignored for an OCC-based backend.  The ideal would be a fix to the OCCQueryEngine to support the faceting tolerance parameters.

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