[MOAB-dev] delete entities & shared data

lk58p at udcf.gla.ac.uk lk58p at udcf.gla.ac.uk
Tue Jun 28 04:09:42 CDT 2011


I modelling crack propagation  where some entities are created and removed. I
work with parallel meshes and have problem how to clean remove ents and resolve
shared entities.

When I remove entity I get error,
Reason: Entity should be shared but isn't.
Tri 62:
   Vertex 56, Vertex 48, Vertex 102
   Edge 103, Edge 101, Edge 104
   Tet 361

Can you advise me how to solve this problem?

Lukasz Kaczmarczyk
web: http://people.civil.gla.ac.uk/~kaczmarczyk

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